61 Year Old
Invited by: 524517·
Joined on March 7, 2007
Born on October 18th
·13 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Wow and what to say here. Well first of i am from canada . Grandmother of 2 . Mom of 4 there is so much about me. Just ask me i guess and see what kinda mood i am in lol I love Tat's i have a few . I am just me i guess i TELL it like it is . Ppl don't always like that but i am who i am . Life is too short to pretend to be someone where not. ADD ME ! RATED ME FAN ME . I WILL DO THE SAME FOR U . I don't have to show my skin as u can see in my pic's . The ladies that do u all look wonderfull.I am just shy i guess. But i am sexy in my own way ! I think the sexies part of someone is there brain . Because it's where your most sexy thoughs come from ........ RIGHT ?
Well, once again, Winter is arriving...Which, here in New England, means...SNOW....ICE...and FRIGID COLDSo my thoughts and mind become like the minds of the birds..hearing the repeating voice..."FLY SOUTH!!"Soooooo...COME JOIN ME!!!We'll Rest in the Shade of a Tall Palm Tree..or Chill by the Pool..Take a Long Walk Down a Wooded Lane..Or Run Naked on a Beach..Pick Flowers in the Morning..Or Sip Margaritas..As We Watch the Beautiful Sunset..And Behind That Sunset Will Be Left the Silouette of YOU Of US Leaving you Lots of Love and Wishes of Returning Warmth!!