45 Year Old
From Burbank, IL·
Joined on January 23, 2006
Born on May 27th
45 Year Old
From Burbank, IL·
Joined on January 23, 2006
Born on May 27th
I love to read. Given the choice I'd rather read while listening to some great jazz in the background with a glass of scotch in my hand than anything else. I grew up on the SS of Chicago (actually the burbs but right on the border) but I don't have that ChicAgo accent. Some people have told me I actually sound British at times cause the way I pronounce my words.
Stephen Hawking, Tommy chong, Goat Boy, Dave Chapelle, Abe Lincoln, Tom Clancy, Juan Valdez, Tommy Edison. Oh! you mean who i'd like to meet on here! Well definitley anyone who can give me some stimulating conversation. I love my friends and all but all they want to talk about is boring everyday stuff! "Oh, last night on this crappy sitcom on lousy network t.v. so and so got into an incredibly predictable situation and blabiddy blabiddy blah." I won't turn anyone away, but I'm in dire need of some creative smart people in my life. Artists, poets, whoever. Just help me lift away this curtain of banality blocking the light of intellect from my circle of friends. I sound like such a snob.....