37 Year Old
Joined on March 4, 2007
Born on August 8th
·14 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
37 Year Old
Joined on March 4, 2007
Born on August 8th
·14 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
dnt kno wut u wanna kno but u can ask me nething i aint got a prob awnsering nething
37 Year Old
Joined on March 4, 2007
Born on August 8th
·14 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
i love music it is my life! i hav a respect for all types of music but i mainly like hardcore metal rock punk stuff like that
Video Games
im all bout r.p.g.'s if im gunna play a video game id rather be able to do nething at netime lol. on the other hand i love halo i usta be in a clan formed by xiled gaming but i dnt hav the acount nemore.
Latest Status
shader4life hmmm just got a new secret admirer id love to know who it is :)
YOU HAVE BEEN FUCKED!Spread the legs and go at it! Pick any of your friends and FUCK THEM! This is for any one you think is hot!RULES:1- You can fuck the person who fucked you, of course.2- You can fuck the same person as many times as you can (c'mon, ENDURANCE)! Be creative!*3- You -MUST- spread the sex! At least 1 fuck is fine and dandy!4- You should fuck in public! Be adventurous, damn it. Paste it on their user page so they feel slutty!5- Random sex is perfectly okay!6- Please, don't worry about same gender fucking, it's HOT.7- You should most definitely get started fuckin' right away!This is about showing everyone how much you care for them and HOW BAD YOU WANT THEIR ASS! Make everyone feel a little loved (and roughed up!). Please don't take this too personally, BUT I JUST FUCKED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>F.U.C.KStands For:Friends U Can Keep.So promise meWe'll F.U.C.K forever! Send this to 10 people & 1 back to me. To know who your true F.U.C.Ks are""9,675,000,000 people in this world && yet i ended up with your crazy ass as a friend?Damn,Im lucky!-lol-Send this to everyone you love.Get 1 back-ppl feel sorry for youGet 2 back-You have a couple true friendsGet 3 back-Your alrightGet 4 back-Your lovedGet 5 back-Your adoredGet 6 or more-Damn your a celebrity!"""xoxo
Just coming by to check out your page!!!! Gave you a 10. When you come back by my page, please check to see if you rated me too. Also, on my page you can find links to my Yahoo group, Myspace page, and my different websites. Don't forget to check out my pictures when you get a chance. Now that we are friends, you can view my"NSFW" pictures. (If you can't see them, check my blog for instructions on how to fix your settings.CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO FIX YOUR SETTINGS) Would love to know what you think of them! I look forward to getting to know you. I would love it if you became a fan of mine!(If you already have, thank you!) Also, if you are looking for some great ladies to check out on here, check out my blog. Click here --->>> Real Sexy Woman on fubar .
Send This To All Ur Friends,And Me If I Am 1.If U Get 7 Back U R Loved1-3 u r a bad friend4-6 u r a ok friend7-9 u r a good friend10-& ^ u r a great friendDear Friend,When u feel like crying....call me. ! . ! . !I dont promise that I will make u laugh,but I can cry with u. If one day u want torun away dont be afraid to call me.I dont promise to ask u to stop......but I can run with u.If one day u dont want to listen to anyone.....call me.I promise to be there for ubut also promise to remain quiet.But one day if u call......and there is no answer.....come fast to see me.Perhaps I need you.____0000000000______0000000000_______000________000__000________000____000___________0000___________000__000_____________00_____________000_000____________________________000_000___________THANKS__________000__000____________FOR___________000____000__________BEING_________000______000__________MY_________000_________000______FRIEND______000_____________000______________000_________________000__________000______________________000____000___________________________00__00_______________"xxx
yea but i quit that job and went to a terrible subway after that because they had nicer hours. The manager was a bitch and I did not get paid for overtime. I don't work right at the moment because I am a full time students. I am lucky my mom agreed to pay for my stuff if I am a full time student.
Thanks for the comment. Have a great week and good luck with your job. I know if you worked at my ghetto subway they would not care. We had people smoking and drinking on the job. I am amazed to see it is still in business.
I stopped by your profile sweetieI gave you a 10!!!I also became your fan!!!I would love it if you returned the favor :)And if you want to be friends please send me afriend request :)I love new friends!!!!!!!!!!And if you just need a friend to talk to feelfree to"shout"*hugs and kisses*Have a great day!!!!!Love,Marissa