55 Year Old
Joined on January 8, 2012
Born on August 24th
im jus me n that az gud az it getz... b real or b ghost. dnt do drama. i love watchn movies, my favorite soap iz the game... luv chocolate. evrabody luv me. m fun ta polly wit n been raised by tha streetz of naptown ss indy, miami. can handel storms. thatz wutz made me a strong woman. n luv shootn pool. hustle hard or go home. n i am tha best n f$$k tha rest. n now im gonna try thiz new sigt.so letz play.........
55 Year Old
Joined on January 8, 2012
Born on August 24th
lotz. jus ask.not n ta dik pix. if i dnt knw how it makx me feel than im gud. not nta cndn dirty pix . like ta keep it real n meet new real peepz thatz not afraid of real. no fakex. im not a material kinna chic. i do me n u do u..>> ur material life iz a turn off 4a me.......... n u need ta knw jus ask/ b wear of wtf iv got ta say tho... dont tak ta heart cuz im a heartbreaker.. k i guess im ready now....
rap/ r&b / classic rock/ country/ lotz of music
scareface. gangsta n prison stuff. cuz itz all that i learned bk n tha day. n movies that r true / tony montana. n godz my true savior cuz hez saved me threw alot of stormz n street warz. my momma n daddyz n my kidz n gbabyz my heart n sole. n my kir buddyz r down 4a uz n not me me me... solidors r my heroz. n i love me/ who really gives a shit who dnt. stand n line wit all tha otha hatterz.
look at moviez n ull c.... lol
Video Games
na dont do games..... but i lik ta watch othaz play...
Latest Status
Brenda Gilbert im gettn tird time ta bounce. tamrowz a new day. 2a b continuted......
HI!!!!!! Just wanted to drop in to say WELCOME TO FUBAR! !! Wishing a splendid day to ya!!! *WARNING*: BE CAREFUL FEEDING THE ANIMALS HERE, SOME DO BITE BACK OR OOPS IT MITE B UR KINDA THANG LOL! From your Friendly Neighborhood RedByrd