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Male · From Hallstead, PA · fuMarried to: Terri FM2 gu... · Joined on January 4, 2012 · Born on January 11th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Male · From Hallstead, PA · fuMarried to: Terri FM2 gu... · Joined on January 4, 2012 · Born on January 11th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

HEY FOLKS. I'm Jimi (the Dragon) and it's very nice to meet all of You, so if You stop by say hello and add me if You wish.

I am very happily taken, and more in love than I ever thought I could be with my beautiful and very talented wifey Dee. So please respect that!

For the last 5 years or so I've been a personal caregiver. Very rewarding in every way ( but pay-scale)lol.. But the difference that I make in the quality of life of my ward is the real reason to do what I do..

About me huh? Well I've been teaching Guitar and Drums for many years now. (20 or so). I teach out of my house and love helping anyone who wants to learn.

The Guitars in my collection that are Dragon Customs are made by or customized by me here in my studio. The first Guitar I customized I did back in like 88
And have been doing so ever since..

Fubar: I try to get here every day even if it's only for a few minutes to say hi and toss a few drinks around and say hi to my Sweet Awesome Friends.

I treat everyone with respect and try to never offend anyone or say anything ignorant. Just not my nature to do that.

I love to flirt with the ladies when i get the chance and if I tell you that You're Beautiful or something like that I'm not hitting on You or making moves or whatever You wanna call it, but just stating the obvious. I say it like I see it.

Anything You wanna know about me just ask me and I'll spill my guts to ya.. hahaha

Please say hello to my fu-wifey and best friend and a few of my very special friends. I love my friends and family and these are just a few of the most awesome people I adore here.. I wish I could put you all here but there's just not enough space on one page...

Wild Child FM2 guitarmanjwd

@ fubar

My sweet awesome friend Amanda. Say hi to her, she Rocks!
Daddys lil monster

@ fubar


@ fubar

FiFty ShAdEs Of GooB SaVe ThE TaTaS

@ fubar

Italian Princess

@ fubar

isweet fu e to Okie4467

@ fubar

SnazziiibuttaFlii FE2 STEEL CURTAIN

@ fubar

Lace owned by Loco Mojo

@ fubar

Celestino Lee X C Lee Music

@ fubar


@ fubar

lil darling nikki

@ fubar


@ fubar


@ fubar

Male · From Hallstead, PA · fuMarried to: Terri FM2 gu... · Joined on January 4, 2012 · Born on January 11th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Interests........ Dragons....Bellies......Guitars......Music.....Art.....Cooking

Latest Status

  • guitarmanjwd This is Jimi's fuwife. Wanted to share the devastating news that he died last night. I'm heartbroken. He was an amazing man and I will miss him greatly. I know he is rocking up in heaven with all his fav musicians. I will always love you. Your fuwife, Terri.
    • MeAyla sorry I did not get the pleasure of knowing him,
      1 year ago · Reply
    • dwp7470b Wow, such a surprise. I am so Sorry. Hope you're okay.
      2 years ago · Reply

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