From Decatur, AL·
Joined on January 1, 2012
Born on November 30th
Here lurks an ex-con(8+ yr.s), ex-junkie(pills & thrills), and ex-generally not a nice person. I'm an old hippie who regained his mellow and his mind. I still smoke my weed and drink a bit, but I am not the self-centered shithead I used to be. I might kill somebody over my coffee, but only after the first day without it. I fell off a cliff, 40 - 50 ft., and caved in a bit of skull. Took a minute, but got over it and returned to work, where I ruptured two disks in my back. Took a minute, and three surgeries, but I got over it and started looking for work when I was hit by a truck and had my legs crushed. Still getting over that one. I can walk and gad about, but am disabled, or is handicapped P.C. mow? Whatever, I can walk and am still alive, so I am stronger and wiser for it. ALL of it. Started losing my hair when I was 23, was bald on top by 26, but haven't cut it since prison and have been the LongHairedBaldGuy( ever since. There are a lot of details that fill in the tale, but, unless I'm asked, I see no reason to go into them here. I am alive and cherish every breath, even the ones that gag me. I'm still breathing, I will get past it. So far, so good..., If you don't count the bullshit that rains down on us all. I am a good man, my mother died proud of me, her, and my kids', expectations are the only ones that count. They say they are lucky to have me, and I know the lying little shits mean it most of the time. No sarcasm or anything! I guess my motto is: "Live LARGE! Life is good, even when it SUCKS!!!"
From Decatur, AL·
Joined on January 1, 2012
Born on November 30th
I read avidly, since childhood, almost anything. Soft porn is just a weak writers way of selling a poorly written book, and the undead KILL people. Enough said. I started playing D&D in prison and am a huge fan of the game. I've played it many times since my release and would play now if I had a "crew" to DM for. I like every aspect of the out doors, but am somewhat limited in my journeys into it. I can't free-face cliffs any more, and all day hikes don't last all day and cover too little ground these days. I write, poems, short stories, and books. I have as yet not published anything, but those who read my stuff like it and it is the most relaxing pass-time I know of. I guess the biggest thing is that I enjoy it and couldn't stop writing if I wanted to. I enjoy movies and have "favorite" actors, but don't follow them in real life. If you find out what a jerk they really are it spoils the experience of watching them play their roles. Damn, there's more that interests me and occupies my time, by I ain't gonna list all of here. If asked, I'll go into details, but see no reason to write it all out here.
Nazerath, Led Zepplin, Jethro Tull, CCR, Rolling Stones, Cyndi Lauper, Barry Manilo, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash(even the new stuff), Neil Diamond. Okay, just put me down as liking most music of the 60's, 70's, and 80's, and some of the stuff they play today. I just don't care for the crude and lude.
I like movies.
I have idols.
Video Games
Everything from Mario Brothers to God of War. RPG's, of course.
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Curious Worm What's on your mind?.
Cars that run on hydrogen? Gasoline engines that get 1,500 miles to the gallon? They're REAL, look it up! - 0 comments