From Flat Rock, AL·
Joined on December 22, 2011
Born on November 30th
·5 referrals joined!
Hi!!! My name is really Misty LOL sorry everyone always ask that.... I'm a Mom 1st.... I'm a Model, Party Hostess and Dancer.. I Love to dance and to show off so it all works together perfect.. My Modeling range from Formal,Glamour to exotic nudes.. Calenders.. Motorclcyes,Car,Outdoors and Lingerie... I Host Private Parties for small and large groups of all kinds..Birthday, Bachlor,Company Host parties.Guys nite out or womens LOL!!! To contact me about parties >> reedslady32@yahoo.comSexy DreamsMistyEyes
From Flat Rock, AL·
Joined on December 22, 2011
Born on November 30th
·5 referrals joined!
I Love bike rallys, Danceing, Movies, Video games
I love the beach and traveling
Latest Status
MistyEyes So what everyone got planned for the wkend???