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43 Year Old · Male · From Panama City, FL · Joined on December 19, 2011 · Born on June 25th · I have a crush on someone!
43 Year Old · Male · From Panama City, FL · Joined on December 19, 2011 · Born on June 25th · I have a crush on someone!

Hi MY Real name is James and LIKE to go out sometime .I love the movies , I have alot off things to be thankful for ,like my family,they are always there for me .I also enjoy working OUT,when I can.I am a REAL person ,I don't say things behind other peoples back and smile to there face .I tell It like it is.I don't like drama at all .Im 30 and need to get my life right , I have the skills just need the disaplin.I thought I need a women too stratin my life but every one has some one when the time is right ,So I am sick of looking ,I know your out there ,I like to think That I have the life that I want ,but somethings have to change .AW I just hope that I focus on what I need to focus like money ,bills and family .My lil 2 yr old nefu and 3 mouth old are my life right now .So I will do ME and c were it takes me. Live life to the fullest ! AND BE HAPPY DOING IT .

43 Year Old · Male · From Panama City, FL · Joined on December 19, 2011 · Born on June 25th · I have a crush on someone!
doing things with my family,going on the computer ,partying at the club,climbing trees and making money
Rap,rock ,alternative ,classic rock ,a little bit of everything.
I like the girl from Underworld ,shes hot and very strong and fast.I need to c that 3D movie that is coming out.I like watching hell on wells on amc every sunday at 900 pm et.I like two and a half men,UFC,and how I meet you mother.
I have been told that I look like Bruce Wills ,and Steve Aston,but I dont know I like alot of different people but my family is my real life Idol I wouldn't change anything about my family .My dad died when I was young . I like to think that I would become a man that He would be proud of . My dad was my idle,but now I want to be Leader and not a follower.
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