mixed martial arts,cooking,wieghttraining,traveling,
camping,hiking,anything new or exiting
Name: no
-Sex: MALE
-Shoe size: 12.5
-Height: 5'10
-Innie or Outie: Innie
-What are you wearing right now? white T n some dickies shorts(ghetto fabulous)
-Righty or lefty: righty
-Can you make a dollar in change right now: Yes
-Who is your closest friend: wes
-Best place to go for a date: the rose gardens
-Kind of pants: dickies
-Number: 13
-Animal: pit bull
-Drink: green tea,water
-Alcohol: quit drinkin but guiness ,irish carbombs
-Sport: MMA,ufc,pride fights
-Month: JULY
-Favorite Cartoon? Dave the barbarian,family guy
Have You Ever...
-Given anyone a bath: yes my lil one
-Gone skinny dipping? yes
-Eaten a dog? not that I know of but I order chinese a lot
-Put your tongue on a frozen pole? uhhh no
-Loved someone so much it made you cry?: wish I could say no
-Broken a bone: a few of mine and a few other peoples

-Played truth or dare: YES
-Been in a physical fight: many many times
Been in a police car: unfortunately
-Been on a plane: several
-Came close to dying: was clinically dead and brought back once
-Been in a sauna: YES
-Been in a hot tub:YES
-Swam in the ocean: used to live a 5 min walk from it
-Fallen asleep in school: I was sleepin more than I was awake
-Ran away: yes
-Broken someone's heart?: I guess
-Cried when someone died: many many times sadly
Cried in school?: not that I remember
-Fell off your chair: yeah I partied a lot back in the day
-Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? YES
-Saved AIM conversations: no
-saved e-mails: yes
-Made out with JUST a friend?: YES
-Used someone: NO
-Been cheated on? once
What is...
-Your good luck charm? DON’T HAVE ONE
-What's your room like: pretty plain
-What is beside you?: my bed
-Last thing you ate?: pizza
-What kind of shampoo do you use? whatever is there
Ever Had...
-Chicken pox: YES
-Sore Throat: yes
-Stitches: several times
-Broken nose: NO
Do You...
-Believe in love at first sight?: YES
-Like school:: not really
-Who was the last person that called you: jessi
-who was the last person you slow danced with: don't remember it's been a bit
-Who makes you smile: my daughter
-Who knows you the best: Me
-Do you like filling these out: not really
-Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?: yes
-Do you like yourself: SOMETIMES
-Do you get along with your family:most of the time
Are You...
-Obsessive? - can be
-Compulsive? not really
-Suicidal? No
Final Questions:
-What are you listening to right now? nothing
-What did you do yesterday? Worked out,cooked,cleaned
-Hated someone in your family: no comment
-Gotten any awards?: a few
-What car/truck do you wish to have: nothing now my license is revoked
-Do you want to get married? maybe I'll try again if someone decent comes along
-Good driver?: YES
-Good Singer: not really
-Have a lava lamp: NO
-How many remote controls are in your house? 3
-Are you double jointed? no
-What do you dream about? all kinds of stuff
-When you last showered: last night
-Scary or Funny Movies: either
-Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE
-Root beer or Dr. Pepper: neither
-Skiing or Boarding? boarding
-Summer or winter: depends on my mood
-Silver or Gold: gold I like silver but hate havin to clean it all the time
-Diamond or pearl: diamonds
-Sprite or 7up: 7 up urs
-Coffee or tea: both
-Phone or in person: IN PERSON
-Indoor or outdoors: Depends on the day
Today did you...
1. Talk to someone you liked: well no one I didn't
2. Bought something: no
3. Get sick? NO
8. Talked to an ex: no thank god
9. Miss someone: YES
Last person who....
10. Slept in your bed: probably my kid
11. Saw/heard you cry: don't remember
12. Made you cry: feeling hopeless
13. Went to the movies with: my kid
14. You went to the mall with: MYSELF
15. Said "I Love You" and meant it: my grandmother
16. Ever been in a fight with your pet? wtf well I used to breed pits so yeah I guess I been bit a few times
17. Been to Vegas? -- NO
18. Been to Mexico: -- NO
19. Been to Canada: - NO
20. Been to Europe:--- no
21. Do you have a crush on someone right now? no
22. What book are you reading now: bible
23. Best feeling in the world? finding true chemistry with someone
24. Future KIDS names: I think I'm paused on that for a while
25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No
26. What's under your bed: hell I don't know
27. Favorite sports to watch: UFC
28. Favorite Locations: lake worth & west palm fla n my camp out in the mountains
29. Piercing/Tattoos: lots of tats ,just my ears pierced now
30. What are you most scared of right now: not gettin though school
31. Who do you really hate?: a lot of things
32. Do you have a job? yeah community service lol goin back to school
33.Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with?: of course
36. Are you lonely right now?: yes I usually am
38. Song that's stuck in your head right now? NONE
39. Have you ever played strip poker: YES
40. Have you ever gotten beat up?: been hurt in fights but I like to give more than receive in those situations
42. Have you ever been on radio/TV: Yes
43. Have you ever been in a mosh-pit?: hell yeah share the love

44. Ever liked someone, but thought they never noticed you? Yes
-what color is your underwear right now? black boxers
-Whats the first things you notice about the opposite sex (visual)? EYES,body
-Your Favorite Food?Sushi
-Do you drink? no
-Do you smoke? not much
-Ever get so drunk you dont remember?- used too
-Hair color? DARK BROWN
-Are you too shy to ask someone out? NO
-Hugs or Kisses?: KISSES
-Aim? MSN?: msn yahoo
-Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? – BUTTER AND SALT
-dogs or cats? either
-Favorite Flower?: ROSES,orchids
-Have you ever fired a gun? hell yeah many many
-Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car? depends on if I'm in a hurry
-How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
-Who are you missing right now? No one in particular but missin someone if that makes sense
-Do you think (any of) your ex

or old best friends miss you? yeah I know they do