69 Year Old
From Daytona Beach, FL·
Joined on December 16, 2011
Born on March 14th
I have a crush on someone!
I'm a person you can trust. The best qualities in life is how you respect others that respect back, in the same manner. You have to love and show pureness to live in this world. If there is any negativeness, I care not to be around it. Message me, Video chat me or just send me a comment and I will reply. Is there anyone out in this cyber world that needs a friend to love you? I can only promise the same back.
69 Year Old
From Daytona Beach, FL·
Joined on December 16, 2011
Born on March 14th
I have a crush on someone!
I'm all about surviving this wrecked economy. The latest news is that the world banks are about to crash. GOLD is over abundant and paper money is worthless. So be prepared..... because I SAY SO!
Aerosmith, Journey, Bob Seger, Rolling Stones, Boston, KISS, REO Speedwagon
Gene Simmons because he talked to my younger sister Kathy one day and the next day the band I was with, ELI Band, was called up to be the opening act in Mobile Coliseum in 1979.
Steve Perry, when he praised my accurate operations in a concert at FSU in 1978, which was just before the band Journey became famous. I was offered a job to run his stage monitors and declined.