56 Year Old
From Philadelphia, PA·
Joined on February 28, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on April 1st
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
56 Year Old
From Philadelphia, PA·
Joined on February 28, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on April 1st
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
56 Year Old
From Philadelphia, PA·
Joined on February 28, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on April 1st
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Send this to all ur sexy friends.Including person who sent it to u....¢¾SeXy¢¾..¢¾SeXy¢¾...¢¾SeXy¢¾...¢¾SeXy¢¾.¢¾SeXy¢¾.......¢¾SeXy¢¾...¢¾SeXy.¢¾.....¢¾SeXy¢¾......¢¾SeXy¢¾...........¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾......¢¾SeXy¢¾.¢¾SeXy¢¾.......¢¾SeXy¢¾...¢¾SeXy¢¾...¢¾SeXy¢¾.........¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾.......¢¾SeXy¢¾.¢¾SeXy¢¾.....¢¾SeXy¢¾..¢¾SeXy¢¾...¢¾SeXy¢¾...¢¾SeXy¢¾.¢¾SeXy¢¾....¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾....¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾...¢¾SeXy¢¾.¢¾SeXy¢¾..¢¾SeXy¢¾...¢¾SeXy¢¾.¢¾SeXy¢¾.....¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾.......¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾......¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾......¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾SeXy¢¾.....¢¾SeXy¢¾.¢¾SeXy¢¾...¢¾SeXy¢¾..S¢¾eXy¢¾.¢¾SeXy¢¾...¢¾SeXy¢¾SeXy¢¾¢¾.......¢¾SeXy¢¾......¢¾SeXy¢¾......¢¾SeXy¢¾IF YOU GET THIS BACK:1 UR NOT THAT SEXY2-3 UR SO SEXY4-6 OMG TOTAL SEXY BABE
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@ fubar What is comment bombing? Comment bombing means leaving as many comments as you can on a picture. The comments do not have to make sense. Most of our bombers just hit random letters on their keyboards and hit enter. The most effective bombing is done when you just hit a few keys and hit submit and do this until you are out of comments.