39 Year Old
Invited by: Dr Qua·
Joined on February 28, 2007
Born on April 22nd
·2 referrals joined!
I am 21 almost 22 and I have a beautiful daughter named Kyla who I love very much! Every day is dedicated to being the best mother I can be and if I do say so myself, I am one hell of a mom! I am from santa cruz and I love the water and beach, but all I hate all the bullshit drama and lies! I am a chill laid back person and usually pretty easy to get along with, unless you piss me off, then I am mega bitch and I love it! I love my pimp ass friends and hanging out with them and partying with them whenever I get a break from being a mom! I live with my daughter and boyfriend and I absolutely love life! I am going to college right now to become a child pyschologist and I am completely motivated to accomplish my goals! I am also a mother fucking ninja that will kick your ass if you got something to say bitch!
39 Year Old
Invited by: Dr Qua·
Joined on February 28, 2007
Born on April 22nd
·2 referrals joined!
Your mom with her legs wide open and you know this man! Smoking the ganga all day every day, reading books b/c I'm a nerd like that, spending time with my daughter and boyfriend, hanging out with my friends and partying, toasting your bisquit, throwing slimy purple vaginas at your grandma, being a ninja with the wonderful qua, and going to school to get educated and then rich bitch!
are we feeling a bit sour today? giving out 3's isn't very nice u know...anyways..u have a great day & a lovely holiday! :D (i'll even be sweet & rate u a 10)
Hi The Picture is Of Tristan My Grandson Tristan and His Puppy Shelby ! They Where Born about 3 Days apart ! They Couldn't Both Stand to be kept apart from Each other ! Tristan was about 9 1/2 Weeks Old in this Photo ! It was takin about aweek before Tristan Returned Home to Heavan ! We Miss, & Love Our Special Little Man So Very Much ! Please include My Little Buddy in Your Prayers ? Thank You for Your Kind Comment !
Ha ha ha! Sorry but I never log off of this thing. I just stay on even though Im not even home!Um....um....Yeah I still cant think of anything thats set in stone so Im guessing I am going to be free and stuff but I shall check with my man! Did you see my blog on the wiggers (on my myspace?) If not its some great great stuff!
Blah! We suck at trying to hang out together!I think I am free the next few weekends but I have to double check with Brandon because I seem to forget all the plans we make because well Im just cool like that! You missed Roxy's birthday!:( She turned 3 (well 21 seeing how she is a dog) My dad got her two new toys!
Welcome to Cherry Tap.Hope you like it here we do! Please stop by my page and rate me, and if you get a chance rate my pics also. I will return the favor.......Nana