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40 Year Old · Male · From Athens, GA · Joined on November 7, 2011 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 27th · I have a crush on someone!
40 Year Old · Male · From Athens, GA · Joined on November 7, 2011 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 27th · I have a crush on someone!

Well, let's see...
First off "William Fuller's Laidback Manner" is not
a band. With the exception of one of his songs("Vacation from reality", witch he had don chaos rap and Sean McDonald on piano)It is all William Fuller. This Original "One man band" was born on December 27, 1984 in the classic city, Athens, Georgia. Growing up, Will (as he likes to be called) was constantly surrounded by music of all types. He grew up next door to John Keane (an American record producer based in Athens, Georgia, who has worked extensively with R.E.M., Indigo Girls and Widespread Panic.)and his recording studio. "Usually I would find myself falling asleep to the faint sounds of music coming from next door". William's father, an artist at hart, loved drawing, playing guitar and writing original music. His Father's vast collection of music albums ranging from Beethoven to Eric Clapton to Talking Heads introduced Will to the Idea of enjoying and being open-minded about all genres of music. William's mother was a cellist for the Athens symphony orchestra. She also taught Piano and Cello. "I remember sitting down at our grand piano as a little kid and just pushing keys not knowing what I was doing except having fun hearing the notes I was playing... That was my first free styling experience with music". William (who is completely self taught) started playing guitar, singing, and writing original songs when he was 11 years old. "My dad bought me my first guitar and would go on to be my biggest supporter and main the reason behind how I was able to learn, grow and evolve as a musician". with his dad's help he began learning how to record his songs. Starting out around 12 years old with a four track recorder and PC drum pro it would be the first time he would produce his songs as a one man band. "I've been in a band only once in my life and It was fun, but didn't really fit with me because now I had to split the song writing process five ways. When I had a new song I was creating I couldn't stand hearing different band members tell me their ideas and opinions on what they wanted to contribute/change to the song. When I have a new tune in my head I know exactly how I want every instrument to sound and beat to flow and hearing members trying to push their different ideas for the song drove me crazy. I guess I'm greedy when it comes to my music and the way I want it to sound and being in a band you have to know how to give and take with others when working on new material and I am a control freak... That doesn't work very well being in a band". So, Feeling held back by that thought he decided to go completely solo. William writes, sings, plays guitar, bass, piano, bongos, and produces all of his music today. Everything that you hear in his songs are all written, played, sung, mixed, mastered and produced by William Fuller. William's music does not stay in just one genera of music also. He might write a blues rock song one day... Electronica, Hip-hop, Metal, Techno, trance, Alternative or pop (all mixed with his own originality) the next day. "It all depends on how I'm feeling when I come up with the beginning of a new song and what kind of mind frame I want to try to express". It's very important to will to sound original. He told me one time that he wanted to make people's ears say "I've never heard something like this before" and not "that sounds like this other band I like". With so many different influences of music and so many different styles of writing and playing, I only know one thing... And that is what in the world will he come up with next?!

40 Year Old · Male · From Athens, GA · Joined on November 7, 2011 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 27th · I have a crush on someone!
Hope all of you enjoy my music.


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  • LAIDBACK MANNER I've been Uploading a lot of my original music, covers and remixes/mash ups b/c I've really been slacking off on this site. Hope all y'all enjoy my flows. More to come so check back in if you like what you hear so far. Peace!
    11 years ago · Comment

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