I find loser douches like you to be all too frequently to be either closet homos or men with lil dick syndrome so with that said i want you to know i feel sorry for you and understand completely why you would decide it would be a good idea to talk to Lost Cause in such a fashion..also if you feel she is a slut, whore, whatever you decided to call her...then why do you come onto her all the time? Some losers just don't know how to talk to women but that is ok maybe the men you are more interested in will respond better to such pick up strategies faggot
So i hear you are a womanizer huh.. Well you might have better luck if you went to one of those cam whore sites, yannoo where you pay them so they will loook at your fugly ass!! Cause that weak sauce smooth talking you try on here just isn't gonna work lil man.. lmao oh and Lost Cause XxCPBxX says hello douche bag lmfao.. HAGN
guess you had to suck some more dick for spare change... too bad you arent in the army anymore... you should b honest with people.... ur nothing but a fake n a tool...