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71 Year Old · Female · Joined on February 22, 2007 · Born on January 1st
71 Year Old · Female · Joined on February 22, 2007 · Born on January 1st

Yo Mr. Cole I ain't Done with you yet sugar: Game On :
Hey Hot Stuff:
This is your myspace stalkin' journalist; "Yep that's right" The Moza huntin' you down long enough to wish you a very happy new year for 2009: This will be the year for everyone to really breakout, and come on strong in all that they do in this crazy business of ours: Take you, and me for instance: We will heat up this cyberspace highway till they have to lay down a whole new ashphalt highway for peeps to just maneouver around on: :) So, keep that motor of yours runnin' there sexy eyes your time is almost up before you have to give it all up to the Moza during your live interview, and live one man show being broadcast through Liveonlineconcerts. com in Rockford, IL. on Jan. 17th. at 9:00pm Central. Then comes that long awaited big reveal of Al Cole. Gosh Damn: Makes you just about as nervous as a virgin bride on her weddin' night don't it hoss. Cuz MzMona is just about to pop the old hide behind the mic, and eyes cherry of one Mr. Al Cole: Don't worry darlin'' I will still love you the next day. Oh yeah, I did forget to tell you that it won't do you any good to try, and run back to the safety of your co-workers at hotmix106. com as they too are going to be there broadcasting this whole gig live back to all of their webstation listeners too. So, you can't go running back to Daddy for protection from the big bad MO who has tormented you for weeks now: Cuz, well, let's face it Al even your big sis Cory knows a good idea when she reads one. :) Your sexy eyes are gonna have to give it all up to the entire family of Al-Cole-Holics real soon. Just stay on your meds sugar, and you will be fine, and I promise not to hurt you too badly.
Lovin ya heaps there big dawg:

71 Year Old · Female · Joined on February 22, 2007 · Born on January 1st

We call this event - S.O.B. Save Online Broadcasting
We at HotMix106.com and Casa D’oro 501(c3) have organized a benefit concert on June 30, 2007 at Club 443 on Broadway in San Francisco , CA. Club 443 holds 500 people. (http://club443.com/) from 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM . We have Surface Rising, C.Lee Clarke and the Swingpins, and Tim Lee comic as our line up. The donation at the door is just $10.00. We anticipate a “sell out” concert.
We are seeking donations of gifts to be raffled during the event listed below. Your gift can be goods or service, tickets, cash etc.
We are seeking a T-shirt printer to donate printed T shirts, we will provide the camera ready art acknowledging all participants and sponsors. We are also seeking a food cart vendor to be on site.
Our listeners are global even though the event is in San Francisco we will draw from the Northern California areas. Your logo and generosity will be printed on T-shirts, e-flyers, print ads, PSA’s and a commercial produced and aired by us. All gratis of course.
The purpose, again, is to raise awareness in support of the SaveNetRadio Campaign and keeping internet radio alive and available for the listening pleasure of everyone...and of course for Indie Artists and ALL Musicians to be heard, which in turn creates sales of their music, etc.

We, Casa D’oro 501(c3) and HotMix106.com, are combining our efforts to bring to the public's attention the dilemma that internet radio currently faces. As you may or may not know, The RIAA and CRB have decided to raise royalty rates for ALL internet broadcasters a whopping 300% retroactive back to the beginning of 2006 and plan a 1200% increase progressively by the year 2010.

We and thousands of others, feel this is completely unacceptable and totally unfair. Artists should and need to be paid their royalties, but the increase is going to have the opposite results and simply force these internet radio stations off of the air which means the artists will not be heard, in what has become a very viable source for listeners to tune in and enjoy the diversity of these artists' music. It will be cost prohibitive for all but the largest of internet stations - those with very deep pockets.

There are several Senators now co-hosting a bill in Congress that will create a more FAIR and balanced price structure. There is extensive information available for any and all that are interested - if you would care to get informed and educated about the situation at hand and the latest news, go to www.savenetradio.org/071510-wyden.pdf.

We call this event - S.O.B. Save Online Broadcasting
We at HotMix106.com and Casa D’oro 501(c3) have organized a benefit concert on June 30, 2007 at Club 443 on Broadway in San Francisco , CA. Club 443 holds 500 people. (http://club443.com/) from 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM . We have Surface Rising, C.Lee Clarke and the Swingpins, and Tim Lee comic as our line up. The donation at the door is just $10.00. We anticipate a “sell out” concert.
We are seeking donations of gifts to be raffled during the event listed below. Your gift can be goods or service, tickets, cash etc.
We are seeking a T-shirt printer to donate printed T shirts, we will provide the camera ready art acknowledging all participants and sponsors. We are also seeking a food cart vendor to be on site.
Our listeners are global even though the event is in San Francisco we will draw from the Northern California areas. Your logo and generosity will be printed on T-shirts, e-flyers, print ads, PSA’s and a commercial produced and aired by us. All gratis of course.
The purpose, again, is to raise awareness in support of the SaveNetRadio Campaign and keeping internet radio alive and available for the listening pleasure of everyone...and of course for Indie Artists and ALL Musicians to be heard, which in turn creates sales of their music, etc.

We, Casa D’oro 501(c3) and HotMix106.com, are combining our efforts to bring to the public's attention the dilemma that internet radio currently faces. As you may or may not know, The RIAA and CRB have decided to raise royalty rates for ALL internet broadcasters a whopping 300% retroactive back to the beginning of 2006 and plan a 1200% increase progressively by the year 2010.

We and thousands of others, feel this is completely unacceptable and totally unfair. Artists should and need to be paid their royalties, but the increase is going to have the opposite results and simply force these internet radio stations off of the air which means the artists will not be heard, in what has become a very viable source for listeners to tune in and enjoy the diversity of these artists' music. It will be cost prohibitive for all but the largest of internet stations - those with very deep pockets.

There are several Senators now co-hosting a bill in Congress that will create a more FAIR and balanced price structure. There is extensive information available for any and all that are interested - if you would care to get informed and educated about the situation at hand and the latest news, go to www.savenetradio.org/071510-wyden.pdf.

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  • cory Long Island Blues Warehouse on now! www.hotmix106.com
    13 years ago · Comment

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  • Someone ⇒ cory
    REAL FRIEND TEST !This is GOOD..I expect it back too! I especially like the lastSentence!!!!!!A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest. A real friend opens YourRefrigerator and helps himself (and doesn't feel even the least bit WeirdShutting your 'beer/Pepsi drawer' with her foot!)A simple friend has never seen you cryA real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears..A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names.A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.A simple friend hates it when you call after they've gone to bed.A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems.A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.A simple friend wonders about your romantic history.A real friend could blackmail you with it.A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.A real friend calls you after you had a fight.A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.A real friend expects to always be there for you!A simple friend reads this e-mail and deletes it.A real friend passes it on and sends it back to you!Pass this on to anyone you care about......if you get it back you have no beginning, no end and it keeps us together, like our Circle of Friends.Today I pass this on to you. Pass it on to someone who is a friend to You...INSTANTLY WHEN YOU RECEIVE THIS LETTER, YOU'RE REQUESTED TO SEND IT TO AT >LEAST 10 PEOPLE, INCLUDING THE PERSON WHO SENT IT TO YOU

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Whiteknightcory
    I hope your event went well!! Have a great weekend!!!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ cory
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Stevecory
    Have a sweet week, thanks for the visit!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • online
    You are welcome! Have a great Tuesday!!!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • BigDaddyVeeecory

    RockYou PhotoFX - Get Your Own
    I brought you some flowers and a fence!! :D

    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • BigDaddyVeeecory
    myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsHI!!:DYou are welcome!!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ cory
    Your welcome

    17 years ago · Reply
  • online
    Thank you for the add. I hope you have a wonderful evening!!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ cory
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    17 years ago · Reply
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