53 Year Old
From Kennewick, WA·
Joined on October 25, 2011
Born on December 1st
53 Year Old
From Kennewick, WA·
Joined on October 25, 2011
Born on December 1st
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Imsmilingru69 Share your thoughts!This is an interesting and different point of view from Britain. Food for thought
It does make you stop and think”. Racist - me?”
“ When does political correctness go too far?"
A thought-provoking passage was written by an Englishman about the current situation in his homeland
I have been wondering about why whites are racists, and no other race is?
There are British Africans, British Chinese, British Asian, British Turks, etc, etc, etc.
And then there are just British. You know what I mean, plain ole English people that were born here. You can include the Welsh, the Scottish, and the people who live off our shores of Great Britain on tiny islands.” Yes, we are all true Brits.”
The others that live here call me 'White boy,' 'Cracker,' 'Honky,' 'Whitey,' 'Caveman' 'White trash' and that's OK...
But if I call you,” Nigger,” “Spade”, “Towel head”,” Paki,” Camel Jockey,” Bean-er”,” Gook” or “Chink,” “ you call me a racist.