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67 Year Old · Male · Joined on October 10, 2011 · Born on January 23rd
67 Year Old · Male · Joined on October 10, 2011 · Born on January 23rd

I'm not married, but the relationship is close enough. Just no paper defining it.
I'm just shy of being antique, but young enough to enjoy a good time and good people. I don't suffer asinine people well, and I work way to hard to put up with much of the entitlement attitude I see coming from some of the younger people these days. You want something, get off your can and get it. Don't expect someone to give it to you simply for being.
My photo reflects my attitude attitude fairly well. I work way to hard to be a liberal.

67 Year Old · Male · Joined on October 10, 2011 · Born on January 23rd
I'm a song writing, singing, wood carving, truck driver. My co-driver and I have been together for the past 10 years out here on the road so we as close to being married as you can get without the paper.
(There aren't to many secrets in a truck)
Acoustic music all the way. No electronic gadgets to improve the sound, no remixes or over dubs. Just raw talent. Anything from Rock to Flamingo. Night Rangers acoustic version of "Don't tell me you love me" to Ottmar Liebert's Luna Negra.
Musicals! Cheezy as some of them are. From the old MGM's to the more recent High School Musical series and even the Camp Rock two. How can you argue with talented adults and kids?
Just saw Lifted. Probably wouldn't win any oscars but loved the message, the dedication and that kid! 13 years old and one killer voice.
Cheezy again, but it would have to be my father. Lived through some of the countries hardest times. Worked 7 days a week in his own business for WAY to many years. Went through tons of hardship and heartache, sad to say some of it cause by me, and still.....never gave up. Never changed his positive attitude. And even to the day he died had a smile and kind words for everyone.
Could he get angry and pissed off? Absolutely! Just didn't waste it on crap. Crap being the color of your skin, the sex you chose to sleep with, whatever you chose to call your God. His anger was reserved for the individual rather than the group. His philosophy? Work for what you get. If someone else is paying you, earn that pay, no half stepping. If you want respect, you better give it first. It's the only way you'll earn it. And treat everyone as the individual they are.
A true Urban Legend to emphasize his thoughts. In 1964, at the Corner Drug Store in Winnemucca, Nv, a scruffy old man sat at the fountain. He was there for the bottomless nickle coffee. His suit was ragged, his hat dirty and he was in dire need of a shave. He carried a ripped up, scarred briefcase. Through the day people came in and sat as far as away as possible. The girls behind the counter complained a couple of times to my Grandfater, my father and Uncle who ran the store. Their answer? He paid his nickle, leave him be. The old man got up to leave after 4 or 5 hours. He was catching a Grey Hound Bus out of the Humboldt Hotel. The old man opened his briefcase, which was crammed with cash. He tipped Pat Miller and Tina Swope each a hundred dollar bill and left. (That was alot of cash in those days) Moral of the story according to my Grandfather, Father and Uncle. You either just served one generous old scruffy man or Howard Hughes was making the rounds. You just never know.
Video Games
OK, as old as I am, I'll admit to being a Diablo freak. 10 years and I still haven't made it to Nightmare. Recently I just got started with Witcher 2. I can see another 10 years coming on.

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