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34 Year Old · Male · From South Gate, CA · Joined on October 5, 2011 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 27th
34 Year Old · Male · From South Gate, CA · Joined on October 5, 2011 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 27th

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don't forget me don't ever forgive me remember my name i will remember yours
I woke up in the darkness of netherworld "this seems strange I feel cold, dang it wasn't I in the new realm??" I remember thinking in the dark still lying down with a strange creepy feeling like something was dead and it was there with me, "wasn't I dead???" "Didn't I die" "this is weird." "I don't remember" "I must have been sleep walking" So I got up but I still felt cold and still had that creepy feeling so I thought "that this has to be a dream and that creepy feeling must be some demon or something trying to scare me." I knew this kind of thing happened to me before so I challenged whatever was giving me that strange creepy feeling but nothing happened so I opened the crack in time and everything seemed normal except for that cold feeling but then I paid more attention to the silver light then I noticed that the left side of my vision was blurry I also noticed when i touched the left side of my face it felt cold so then I walked out of netherworld and tried to stop at in front of a gateway that leads into inaudible demonic verses but I couldn't stop directly in front of it for some reason I barely had control over my body I kept on running around like a mad man near to saneness but I never floated away and also I noticed that my movements seemed kind of swift as well for some reason but I don't know why it's hard to explain. So then I thought "this must be sequence code possession 8.1119 otherwise why wouldn't I be able to control my body perfectly but then why would I be conscious?? I must be stuck between a lucid dream and sleep walking somehow." So I gave up on the gateway and I decided "I'll just go through dimensions and get to the pathway that's leads to inaudible demonic verses". So with the little control I had over my body also with that cold feeling and my vision still blurry I went towards my pathway through time but for some reason it seemed longer than usual and then that damned creepy feeling returned again but then I thought "wasn't this feeling always with me but it just now got more eviler then usual" Then I finally make it to a tree that's in front of that pathway so I walk past it and leaned on to a dark wall that separates inaudible demonic verses with my right hand and with my left hand on the left side of my face I look into the path and I noticed something extremely strange there were two doors on the left side of inaudible demonic verses when there was only supposed to be one and I thought "they are exactly the same as the door that leads to inaudible demonic verses,,, a black door with silver door knobs, why are there two doors?!?" "There were never two doors before!! I must be having double vision or its must be because my vision is so blurry" but then I noticed something shocking the second door was open and the first door where the real door usually is was closed. So I started walking towards the first door then i slowly twisted the door knob left with my right hand, it seemed like it was open so I pulled the door open and slowly walked into inaudible demonic verses, but then suddenly I felt this strong terrible feeling like there was something evil was there with me and something bad was going to happened I don't know if it was the was the creepy feeling I had with me from the start and it just intensified into something more extreme I'm not really sure I'm also not really sure what happen after that, it's all just blank from there on..
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34 Year Old · Male · From South Gate, CA · Joined on October 5, 2011 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 27th
pain sorrow brimstone and fire~ anew here what seems to stay- A descendant of a cursed angel fortold to wield a demonic sakabato blade. He was blessed unto a world of chaos and descended from the heavens but now he must carry the never ending curse. with his black wings and the power of the black wind he sees it pointless to choose sides he wields the deadly cursed sakabato blade and he will mearly take out anyone who gets in his way. once a member of the ___ but now a ronin he knows bushido well and is highly skilled in ninpou, ki, kyba no michi, iai, rokettohashatou, kata, naginata jutsu, tanto jutsu, and tessen jutsu..
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the gods must be crazy
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fk games i fkn play the bass mother fker lol

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