I love the taste of red wine, the sound of my nephews playing, and the smell of summer rain.
I love a woman that presents a Mediterranean look, can carry an intelligent conversation, and bears no ill feelings toward anyone.
I like to read, I do a little wood working, and I like living away from the city. It's invogratingly quiet.
I enjoy a good game of chess, Romantic Comedies, Action movies, and going to bed early sometimes.
I like CCR, Blood Sweat and Tears, Tony Bennett, Frank, and Nora Jones.
I do a little photography on the side.
I like old hound dogs, puppy breath, and watching my cat play with my Dachsund (now thats quality entertainment)
I like the e-trade baby commercials
I like the Saints football
I like spending Christmas with my family
I like getting along with the woman that I love
Yes Man
500 Days of Summer
Iron Man I and Iron Man II
The Matix Trilogy
Romantic Comedies
Avatar The Hurt Locker (But James Cameron was robbed)