38 Year Old
From Houston, TX·
Joined on August 18, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 5th
How are you? Well thanks for taking the interest in reading a little about me. With that being said, I now have to pique your interest long enough for you to want to know more right? Ok, I am a 25yr god fearing, upfront, humorous, truthful, sarcastic, OCD, humble, respectful, and well mannered,, but the bad with that good is that I am,, a Smart-ass, short tempered, non-tolerant, rebellious, cocky, and a few others I'll leave to be judged. I am not into to putting my all in introductions. I rather go off of the physical appearance as it would be if we met on the street. If I spark an interest in any way, just pop in a speak, I promise I wont bite.. nibble but not bite.
38 Year Old
From Houston, TX·
Joined on August 18, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 5th
Wealth, Knowledge, longevity, personal relationships, and anything else that is actually being manifested. Only the real is what interest me, please dont be less than that because we will clash.
Latest Status
VerbalSeduction Thanks for the love.. I look forward to this relationship :)