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67 Year Old · Male · Joined on February 4, 2007 · Born on July 6th · 1 referrals joined!
67 Year Old · Male · Joined on February 4, 2007 · Born on July 6th · 1 referrals joined!
67 Year Old · Male · Joined on February 4, 2007 · Born on July 6th · 1 referrals joined!
LOTR Enya Castle Tribute ... The River Sings ...

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This is writen to all of the fallen heroes who gave when no other would give. They stood proud and tall in the fight no matter male or female ... they will NOT be forgotten:

Conall Cernach | warrior-hero of Ulster; his name suggests his status: Conall means "strong" and Cernach translates roughly as "victorious"

I still believe there are great heroes among us:

Lament for Captian Conall Cernach Yellow Hair
by Celtic

His broadsword no longer raised to honor his people.
His flashing eyes and yellow hair no longer is seen.
His strength in battle no longer will he lead.
For my Captian lies still ... his heroic songs we will sing.

He no longer gathers kinsman around his hearth.
He travels no longer upon this earth.
His encouragements with kinsmen no longer will be.
For my captian lies still ... his heroic songs we will sing.

His true love no longer his kiss shall she feel.
Her mourning is great her heart is revealed.
Sad Oh sad the tale we now see.
For my captian lies still ... his heroic songs we will sing.

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Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com


Celtic Woman - Siuil a run (Put to Voice)

Siuil A Run is an old Gealic Tune:

I wish I was on yonder hill
tis there Id sit and cry my fill,
And every tear would turn a mill,
Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn.

Chorus (in phonetic gaelic)
Shule, shule, shule aroon,
Shule go succir agus, shule go kewn,
Shule go dheen durrus oggus aylig lume,
Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn.

Ill sell my rock, Ill sell my reel,
Ill sell my only spinning wheel,
To buy my love a sword of steel
Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn.


Ill dye my petticoats, Ill dye them red,
And round the world Ill beg my bread,
Until my parents shall wish me dead,
Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn.


I wish, I wish, I wish in vain,
I wish I had my heart again,
And vainly think Id not complain,
Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn.


But now my love has gone to france,
To try his fortune to advance;
If he eer come back, tis but a chance,
Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn.


Provided by lindsay labanca

Come, come, come, o love,
Quickly come to me, softly move;
Come to the door, and away well flee,
And safe for aye may my darling be!

He fell but to rise up againt his enemies again! May It Be - Enya

May it be
An evening star
Shines down
Upon you

May it be
When darkness falls
Your heart
Will be true

You walk a lonely road
Oh how far you are from home

[quenya: darkness has come]
Believe and you
Will find your way

[quenya: darkness has fallen]
A promise lives
Within you now

May it be
The shadows call
Will fly away

May it be
You journey on
To light the day

When the night is overcome
You may rise
To find the sun

[quenya: darkness has come]
Believe and you
Will find your way

[quenya: darkness has fallen]
A promise lives
Within you now

A promise lives
Within you now.

We walk together beside trickling streams through warm shaded forests that quietly transcend time.

Do Mo grá:

Tá sibh mo análú tarrthála mo gra.

Mé mothú do súil ar mise.

Mé tadhall íogair do craiceann.

Mé mothú do croíúil anáil.

Mé baladh do cumhracht.

Mé mothú do croi cuisle.

Mé mothú do láithreacht ar feadh mise.

Dhá croi duine le duine intinn.

Mé cúl taca istigh uamhan.

Tar isteach do mise.

Tá me anseo in éineacht le tú.

Mo leannán, Mo muirnín, Mo inmheánach croi.

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I spy Mo Gra in a long-flowing pearle white dress with green ivy of the woods curled into a pattern rich in color. You walk softly like a breeze of warm gentle air into my heart and pass through my inner being. My heart has no ability to beat without your breath to nurish the blood that flows through my veins. As you pass I fein would dare look upon you for fear you would not look upon me, but ... our eyes meet ... there are no need for words.

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Though the dark ones try to surround us, though hurts may pain us sore, we shall fight side by side in our love and our fire inside standing proud. We stand against the unjust as one power, we free those who are bound, we gather together strength ... we are the pure bloodlines of the Ceilteach tribes. We will not be moved, but we will move aside the dark ones and sore pains.

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The dark powers have been used against our trust, our love and our devotional instincts. Enchanted ones ply their spells against us to no avail. The dark powers cannot, shall not and will not gain a foothold between us, for our hearts are joined beyond them all. We walk strong and proud together, because we are under the protection of our joining hearts. We speak softy these words: Síothlaigh tarraing siar coinnigh siar! ... they vanish!

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Searching For Her:

The great battles for our land had been raging for months. I was weary, I was homesick, I was wounded and I was coming to my "tír dhúchais." I whispered to myself, "Chun an bhaile go mo grá!"

I pressed onward traveling for days seeming never ending ... it was the "Scéin Am! I feared the cold winter days had taken Mo Grá from me ... always fearing the worst at best ... not knowing. I wrapped my cloak tightly around my armor while my family broadsword "Tabhair Leat Stoirm," was strapped upon my back. I kept moving onward.

I began to near my "Tír Dhúchais," and was bewildered at the site before my eyes! The burning of the land before me, I cried aloud; "Mo daoine ar an gcoigríoch scaip!"

I walked through the ashes of the village as the people were moving back in from the woodlands ... what a site! I spoke to many as I passed them about the ruins.

I asked many of the kinsman if indeed "Maia of the Woods" had escaped this plight of devistation. They pointed to the path that entered the woods where she would spend most of her waking hours. I was afraid although, this devistation had to have touched her in some manner.

I walked slowly into the enchanted woodland ... I knew this place well. The enemy would dare not enter this place for fear of those who were the protectors of the woods. Not many would enter unless dire need, but Mo Grá was part of the woodland. She was part of those feared by enemies that dared enter this place of great power!!

Even I walked into the wood with quiet expectation and awareness.

The wood was deep, old and untouched by winter ... the sounds of the streams were alone heard. So quiet, this place ... so feared by many.

I could feel the presence of others ... like whispers they spoke, "Tá múid is eol dom iad ... tá sí fanacht ... dol tú ...tá fáilte romhat leis seo!" My mind was at much ease now in passing hereby.

I walked alone but neared a glen with a stream passing through and could hear what sounded like singing and whispering. I could not make aware the words but the singing was entering my heart with a saddness and an excitement entangled as one.

My heart leaped as I stepped over a large log! She was there ... sitting near the edge of the stream. Her back was to me but I could see her long ginger hair flowing down upon her pearle-white dress ... the green woodland ivy standing out in patterns upon it! Her left hand was raised and a white fire danced in her palm as she whispered words ancient ... powerful!

She whispered, "Tá sibh mo análú tarrthála mo gra ... Tar isteach do mise ... Tá me anseo in éineacht le tú!" Then slowly she turned her head around to me, she already knew I was in her presence before a word whispered! Her green glowing eyes pierced through me to my inner heart. I fell to my knees near her ... my head bowed.

She stood and quietly walked to where I was in her presence. She laid her hands upon my shoulders and spoke softly, "Do tír dhúchais rachaidh mé ... do daoine fabhar mé daoine ... muirneach mé ... mo grá!" I felt her healing upon my wounds!

I stood with her and looked into her eyes and whispered, "Eagal mé croí pian dol tú ... eagla is measaide duit an dóigh seo dol tú!"

Then, her piercing green eyes entering my inner heart, she spoke, "ní eagla ... do mo grá ... anois tar isteach do mise ... anseo in éineacht le tú ... tá me."

Thus, my searching was over, my heart was light, my wounded body and mind healed ... I had found Mo Gra!

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Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com

I lay sleeping one night near the fields of battle and wicked na síogaí came to me while I was drifting deeply into dreams. They whispered words to me about Mo Gra ... they were words which broke my heart:

Mo croí tá níl níos mó - My heart is now no more.

Do croí briste roimh breacadh - your heart broke before dawn.

Do bladhm cabhlach mise - your fire flees me.

Mé focal cliseadh mo croí - my words break down your heart.

Braith mothú - betray feel (felt).

Tá múid Caoin croí pian - We are weeping heart aching.

Croí go croí níl níos mó - heart to heart no more.

Croí sleamhnú imithe - Heart slips away.

Tá me briste ó chroí - I am broken heartfelt (I am broken hearted).

Níl eile mo grá go lorg - no other my love to seek.

Níl eile mo grá tabhair - no other my love give.

I woke as the evil na síogaí whispers ended!!! I knew in my heart this could not be true.



My heart was heavy as I walked along a trial into a woodland in Clapsholas am idir am (twilight time between time)... whispering I could hear near a mighty oak. It was there I saw a light and a vision of beauty before me, she whispered: Tá sibh éist le luigh! Eagla ní! Leannán mo grá fan seasmhach i croí (You are listening to lies! Fear not! Lover your love remains steadfast in heart) ... she then handed me a purple jewel which appeared radiant to my eyes. Twas a celtic knot with a light appearing as I touched it. She continued: Cumhacht éadromchroíoch do cosán gealltanas cuimhnigh (Power! Light hearted your path promise remains!) She vanished slowly as she turned into the wood ... she was her kind and well I knew my heart was no longer troubled. Her kind never lied to me and they were friends to my people and the good na síogaí who were still singing and whispering our song.


Im a Rocker I admit it! I own a Sirius radio and use it in my Big Rig on the road. I rock out to Hair Nation Channel 23 on Sirius.

Damned Yankees is a group made up of several bands and you will recognize each one in this video.

Damn Yankees - Come Again

Lita Ford is one hell of a rocker and not just a pretty face! This girlfriend can play the hell out of an axe and can sing ...

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Lita Ford, the foxy Queen of Rock!!!

But ... there are more to ROCK than Lita Ford ... Let's get down to it, baby!!!

Lita Ford/Shot of Poison/Tribute/Montage

Outlaw Josey Wales ... aint much livin' in dyin' Jeremiah Johnson ... Where may there be critters for trappin and cash money? Lord of the Rings ... You CANNOT PASS!!! Eragon ... Call YOUR DAGON!!!
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Lita Ford, the foxy Queen of Rock!!!
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Action video games, what can I say! :P

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