71 Year Old
Joined on August 9, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 15th
I have a crush on someone!
i was born in 1956 in Tripoly Liba , Africa. My father u.s Airforce 21 years form Tripoly to Austin,Tx. TWo sisters born ant three years later moved to Bickburg,Germany.To brothers born and three years later. MY famley moved to San antonio,Tx .Left me me in Round Rcok,Tx with my mothers parents Mexican and kickapoo indian . My fathers side Irsh and Cherikey . One year later brought me to San antonio. Elemtrey,middle school,and high school finshed eleventh 1974.Joined U.S Army basic traning in Lusiana from there Fort Hood T.X four and a half years . While i was stationed there i went to Germany two times for six months.Left Fort Hood,TX went to Korea one year.Form Korea went to Fort luis,Washington. Year an a half later Cook Berex,Germany. Met my Ex-Wife had my first child in Germany.Found out i was a father from a friend on thhe street coming back from a field monover.Two hours later i met my doughter and took them home from the Hospital.Nine months later San Antonio,TX Ex-wife talked me out of staying in the Army .Lived in San Antonio,Tx lived there for three years.Moved back to Germany lived and worked in Germany for twenty years as a machien opperty. Seven years ago cought my Ex-wife CHEETING . Forgive and Forget one year later cought her agin.Two days after i came back to the u.s San Antonio,TX. Hear i am now you know me take me or leave me ALONE..........
71 Year Old
Joined on August 9, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 15th
I have a crush on someone!
Pool,Darts,rock hunting,Going out in the woods and just getting "NUTZ",As for summer i like it hot and go to the river to cool off.Tubbing,Swimming,and running around the woods looking for Animals,Arrowheads.So if you dont know by now i love the outdoors.So if you wanna go do any of the above HMU.....
Country and Western the most.But i will listen to any type but after 15mins of techno i had more then enough...