51 Year Old
Joined on August 8, 2011
Born on June 12th
I'm a fairly simple person. I am a massage therapist, Life Coach, Reiki Master, and Hypnotherapist. I'm currently working on my Master's in Mental Health Counseling. I live in a town that is socially dead for someone in my "age bracket." I hope to move back to Texas, eventually. For now I have to study and just stay in BFE Dillon, Montana.
51 Year Old
Joined on August 8, 2011
Born on June 12th
I enjoy going to the club, but I just sit around and watch people as I'm either way younger or way older than everyone here. I'm working on my degree so that takes a bunch of time. I have an Italian Greyhound that goes absolutely everywhere with me as he is my service dog. He even sleeps curled up in my bed. I don't ski anymore because I can't. But, I would love to hang out with someone that is very active. I want to get more active and it takes active friends to do that. Right now I am very eclectic in my interests and it may just be better to ask me.
Again, this is an eclectic area. I enjoy 80's and 70's music, but I'm certainly not a connoisseur. I enjoy Medieval Baebes and Queen. I've recently purchased albums from Katy Perry, Maroon 5 and Lady Gaga just to have some recent music. Really this is an area that I can't pin down to one type.
I admit to being a Harry Potter fan, and I admit to crying during the last few movies and cried like a babe at the end of the last book. I'm currently being sure to watch all the Avenger Character movies to be prepared for Summer of 2012. I have even seen some of the past movies made. I don't have a favorite movie as I tend to watch and forget. I do enjoy the Twilight movies, but I think it was because my cousin had me reading the books. I wanted something to talk to her about. Again, I think I watch those more to be up to date with at least some of the Pop Culture of today.
I don't have an idol. If someone mentions the name of someone I think is noteworthy I give my mention of awe for them, but really that is about it.
Video Games
I am a regular WoW player on Mal'Ganis. I play a Tauren Boomkin. Other games I really don't play. I own a Wii and there are some exercise games I play, but that's it. Occasionally I am found playing puzzle pirates.
Latest Status
Jill Scoggins This is rather fast paced. Still a bunch to learn on this site.