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34 Year Old · Female · From Grand Rapids, MI · Joined on June 24, 2011 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on May 26th
34 Year Old · Female · From Grand Rapids, MI · Joined on June 24, 2011 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on May 26th

Music: Hip hop, country, Christain, soft rock, ACDC, Creed, Greenday, Alica Keys, Chris Brown, Keyshia Coles, Carrie Underwood, Usher, Newsboys, Lill Wyane, Akon. Movies: Lord of the Rings, Angel, Wall-E, police academy, Alvin and the Chickmunks 1-2. Spy Kids, Law and Oder, Holloween 1-2, Screen, Jaw, Pacifer, Krate Kid 1, Jeresic Park, Dumb and Dumber, Any thing with action/killing/bio. TV: Family Guy...... Sleepover.... Star Trak... Law and order(All)... CSI (all of CSI), Sex in the Sity... Tom and Jerry... Scobby Doo... Sponge Bob... Shall we dance? American Idol... American Model... Dancing With The Stars... Animal Planet.. Hanna Montana... Spy Kids.. And all the other channels... like HBO, Family, Disney, And more. Books: Any books Sports: Basket ball, Baseball, Nascar racing, Football, Golf, Volleyball. Interests: Playing the Paino, Hiking, Swimming, Bike riding, Clumbing on mountains trails, & Camping. Writting Stories/Poetries, Looking at the Nature, etc.Dreams: My dream is to get a mansion and to go all over the entire unervise and out of space to see the stars and to see the moon. Saving every one on earth, Being an billare, t.v. star, Singer and teaching/helping kids.. and running , my own mission/church Best Features: My body, my eyes, and my hair. About Me: Hi I am in Grand Rapids MI right now but my home town is in West Manchester NH I was born there and I was raised there. I had lost my father since I was 10 years old and I had lost my mother since I was 4 years old but I was living with my Aunty Charlene who was my gaudian at that time but I have 4 brothers 1 sister and about 25 cousins and 2 nepews and 1 nieces. My sister Abby had 2 kids a 2 boys and my brother had 1 girl named Katlen she is 6 years old right know and I never knew that I had any cousins or any borthers or sisters at all. I also have 4 aunt's and 4 5 uncles. One of my cousins died on Christmas day around 2002 at 12 midnight she was only 16 years old her name was Leah she was raised and born in CT but the sad part is that I didn't know my cousin and or I didn't know that I had a cousin named Leah she was in High School when she died. My family had set a party for her birhtday notice that she is up in heaven and she will always look down for her family. The one who loved Leah was everyone in my family even my grandmother's one from my mom's side and my grandfather.

34 Year Old · Female · From Grand Rapids, MI · Joined on June 24, 2011 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on May 26th
Bowling Science, and learning something new each day.
Hip Hop and Rap
just read about me
Video Games
www.wizard101.com and www.evony.com

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  • Ally i'm just looking for friends. :)
    13 years ago · Comment

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