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48 Year Old · Male · From Western Cape, South Africa · Joined on January 17, 2006 · Born on January 14th
48 Year Old · Male · From Western Cape, South Africa · Joined on January 17, 2006 · Born on January 14th

well... lets see, I am a funny male thingum, kind to all and help everyone who is in need (no really, i get called at 3am sometimes giving advice to my friends) I am a DJ, which I really enjoy. What else... I enjoy reading, and writing, and my stuff is really poetic hehe ;) yes yes that will do for now...

48 Year Old · Male · From Western Cape, South Africa · Joined on January 17, 2006 · Born on January 14th
well at the moment i am reading alot of religious books as i feel that it can do me only good :) on the funnier side... i love and still love, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy book's and the other writings by Douglas Adams :) They have a place in my heart they do....

Activity Feed

  • Someone ⇒ Judgey
    HI,Please i will like you to contact me at my (dr_rebeccaoliver@hotmail.com)HAVE A NICE DAY

    8 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Judgey
    HELLO DEAR,I,am Givft 25 years of age.and l see your profile is so good to me and i have an important thing to discussion with you, and I need someone to treat me with care.ihave my reasons to contact you,about relationship. please write meat (givftbabe@/yahoo./com) for more details.and my picturLove formGivft,

    13 years ago · Reply
  • gretchenJudgey
    _________________________s$__________ ____s _________________.s$$_________ ____s$ ________________s$$$?______s__ ___s$³ ______________.s$$$_____.s$, ___s$$³ _____________s$$$$³______.s$__ _.$$³ ________, ____$$$$$.______s$³__ __³$ ________$___$$$$$$s_____s$³___ __³, _______s$___³$$$$$$$s___$$$, ` ____.. _______$$____³$$$$$$s.__³$$s__ ___, , ________³$.____³$$$$$$$s_.s$$$_ ___________`$$.____³$$$$$$$_$$$$___s³ ________³$$s____³$$$$$$s$$$³__s$³ _________³$$s____$$$$$s$$$$__ s$$ ______s.__$$$$___s$$$$$$$$³_.s $$³__ ______$$_s$$$$..s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$³__ ______s$.s$$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_ _____s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$³ ____s$$$ssss$$$$$$$$$$ssss$$$s ___$$s§§§§§§§§§s$$$$s§§§§§§§§§$$ ___³§§§§§§§§§§§§§s$s§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ ___§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§s§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ ___³§§§§§§§§§§§ HEAVY §§§§§§§§§§§§³ ____³§§§§§§§§§ MELODIC §§§§§§§§§§§³ _____³§§§§§§ HAPPY GOTHIC §§§§§§§³ ______³§§§§§§§§ CHICK §§§§§§§§§³ ________³§§§§§§ ROCK §§§§§§§§³ __________³§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ ____________³§§§§§§§§§§§³ _______________³§§§§§³ _________________³§³ Thanks for rolling with Gretchen!!!

    17 years ago · Reply
    just saying and rackin up a few points is all..have a great nite

    17 years ago · Reply
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