59 Year Old
Joined on June 3, 2011
Born on September 10th
Quiet, Not into loud screaming guitars at all, or anything screaming. My favorite things are dogs, cats, horses, you know animals in general. Great sense of humor :} Hate fast food,it makes me sick. Not a partier at all. Not a drinker at all. Humanitarian and pet owner, hate to see pets and animals abused. Hate to see workers abused. No I'm not boring,far from it.
59 Year Old
Joined on June 3, 2011
Born on September 10th
Love to grow flowers. I also think no one should be breeding animals for at least the next 5 years. Our pets rely on us and they see them selves as human. They know our habits, and our feelings. They are not wild, far from it. Our pets should also be protected from the elements. When was the last time you saw a squirrel or wild rabbit sunning in 90* degree heat? They hide in the cool shade, close to water, they dig into the cool dirt, under leaves. A human will leave their pet to suffer, and not care at all.