42 Year Old
Centerburg, OH
Joined on May 18, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 11th
I have a
crush on someone!
The most important thing about me is that I'm a single father with custody of my two beautiful children!! My son is 8 years old and a spitting image of his daddy (poor guy lol) And like most his age is a avid video gamer! Who also loves baseball and basketball, (my sport). He has snow white hair and blue eyes! And my daughter is 7, and happens to be the most beautiful girl I have ever been fortunate to meet! She has red hair and ice blue eyes! Her birthday was just in April, and she got her ears pierced, and got matching necklace and bracelet! And like most girls wanted diamonds! So she got them! And she like me is a serious bookworm, and loves the arts too!! She LOVES to draw and also loves music! So if I had to say just one thing about myself it would be just that.... I'm a very proud father of two and could not go on with out them! They are my life quite litterally!
42 Year Old
Centerburg, OH
Joined on May 18, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 11th
I have a
crush on someone!
Hello all!! I'm a musician who loves all arts!! I draw, paint, and write! Believe it or not I'm actually published! Nothing big, just a coffee stand book full af various authors. We were all poets who published on a poetry website. But my main interest of the arts would be the first listed.. MUSIC!!! I play guitar, mostly accoustic, but i still love to pick up and thrash my electric from time to time I have a Epiphone accoustic, and electric. I also have a B.C. Rich Warlock, (my fav) a Fender Strat (20th anniversary), and last and least a first act (cheapo!) But I love a chick that plays guitar!! For whatever reason I find it very attractive!!!! But certainly is not a must!! So I'm looking for that speacial other half, but am not dwelling on it! If it happens, it happens! I love to be in love, but falling out of love is enough to keep me in check! So if you wanna chat thats fine! And if it leads to more, great! But for now I'm just looking for a good conversation. So by all means chat me up sometime!! @/--^--%
I like anything blues rock based!! So thats most all rock really, from classic rock to punk to new age to heavy stuff! Mostly depends on mood! I also have been known to listen to just about anything, to keep a fresh influence and broader sound in my music playing! So if it has a beat I'll listen! lol
movies..... wow thats a tough one! I love to watch movies!!! So to try to name a favorite is just a gamble of what I've watched recently. And if you read all my pro, you would understand when i say it has mostly been all cartoons lately But a favorite.... hmmm.... I really like Denzel washington movies, i like the bourne series, i like the matrix series, and last but not least the chipmunk movies,(kids fav's)And probably a ton more that just slipped my mind, oh yea full metal jacket, goodfellas, scarface, ummm..... Well that gives a few ideas anyhow!
jim morrison! jimmy hendrix, kurt kobain, and the rest of the forever 27 group! If you dont know them ask me about it!
Video Games
Love guitar hero, need for speed most wanted, cabellas big game hunts, and all wii games! I also like most all vintage games for regular nintendo and sega's, reminds me of times of ol' lol. You know, saturday morning cartoons and a big azz bowl of cereal, when life was FUN! hehehe
Hope you have a good evening