33 Year Old
Twin Lake, MI
Joined on May 17, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 25th
Well, I'm... Me, not much to say as I find myself to be a very dull person, but I've had to put up with me for long enough that I suppose it isn't surprising. I'm unemployed, still trying to find a job. Until then, I'm working on three different books, none of which I believe will ever actually be published, and dealing with the farm. I live on an exotic bird farm with a variety of animals including alpaca's, fainting goats, peacocks, pheasants, and a few others. I have a german shephard/boxer mix dog who's name is Nocta, which is latin for Night. Um... Well, I dunno, ask me if you want to know anything about me, I'm fairly open and almost always easy going.
33 Year Old
Twin Lake, MI
Joined on May 17, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 25th
Writing, Drawing, Music, Music, Music, yes I have a strong attachment to my music, I wouldn't say that I wouldn't be able to live without it, but it'd be a very miserable life. I do not however, like 90% of rap, and absolutely cannot stand pop. Aside from that though, anything is good, ranging from blackened death metal, to techno, to country, to classical and any other inbetween.
Top Bands are Cold, Seven Mary Three, Filter, Bush, Johnny Cash, Meatloaf, Alan Jackson, and well... there are a few others, but I'm lazy, and tired.
The Crow, top movie right there. Um... Aside from that, I have a wide variety that I like and don't like, for instance I can't stand Donnie Darko, or Avatar. They just don't appeal to me. On the other hand, I do like some old westerns like They Call Me Trinity. Mainly though, I don't like stupidity, all the Scary Movies annoyed me. A Lot. I like depth in my stuff. Aside from that, I watch a lot of anime.
Um... I don't think I really have any idols, I've never felt the need to look up to somebody for inspiration. Everybody has their own lives, and their own troubles, nothing in life is going to synch up perfectly with somebody elses, and I'm not going to try. I like being me, even if I hate it sometimes.
Video Games
Mostly RPG's, my favourite being The Legend of Dragoon, followed by the Star Ocean Series, and then it's probably final fantasy, but I'm not sure as my mind is not functioning currently. I'm terrible at First Person Shooters, like miserable terrible, but I enjoy them (Except Halo, I can't stand Halo).