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39 Year Old · Male · From Metro Manila, Philippines · Joined on May 14, 2011 · Born on November 18th
39 Year Old · Male · From Metro Manila, Philippines · Joined on May 14, 2011 · Born on November 18th

I'm not average and I'm far from being perfect, I'm weird, I'm crazy, and I don't look like Brad Pitt .... I'm Just Brad Fitz???.... yeah I know. I'm not a good lover, I mess up, I always make mistakes, I start a fight, and I easily get jealous, but there are three things i like about myself, I don't play, I give my all and I love deeply. In a relationship, I don't look for sex. I look for happiness.

In my spare time, I don't brag about going to the gym, or going to parties. I write poetry or maybe songs? Oftentimes, I listen to hardcore "emo" music? I plugged my headphones or earphones to my ears... then poof...!!! ignore the world. If you look at how I dress, it's not always basketball shorts and t-shirts. It's carefully chosen clothes that actually match. But in love, I will not ask you to put me at the center of your world but know that you will always be at the center of mine, though I will never depend on you for everything because that's too much to ask. However, I appreciate that you're there.

I may not be everything that you want, but I'll be at my best to be that everything that you need.

Right here waiting,


-Searching for my better half - Me-

39 Year Old · Male · From Metro Manila, Philippines · Joined on May 14, 2011 · Born on November 18th
I'm just me . . .
and that's all I can be
no more ... no less ... no second guess
i laugh . i love .
i live . i cry
and some times
i wish i would die
some days I'm funny
others I'm not
sometimes I'm in overdrive .
and i cant stop
you may not like me .
but that's OK this is me .
and this is how I'll stay.

I'm not perfect
and I don't profess to be
but I am worth it,
take a chance & you'll see

This is me
- S i m p l y F i T z -

I do my thing and you do yours.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
and you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you and I am I,
and if by chance we find each other,
then it is beautiful. If not,
it can't be helped.

You may know my name but NOT my story.

If you love me , Love me well . If you hate me , go to hell Smile2.gif)

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  • Brad Fitz A girls laughter is much more cheerful than a boy's. but a boy's tear is more meaningful than a girl's.
    13 years ago · Comment

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