34 Year Old
Joined on May 13, 2011
Born on September 20th
Though i'm not that friendly, you can say that you can count on me if you are one of my friends. I'm straight-forward, Fearless, Fiendishly intelligent, and, most of all, a prankster.
34 Year Old
Joined on May 13, 2011
Born on September 20th
I'm a Battojutsu Practitioner ranking 1st dan this Jan 2011, A College-degree writer, and is quite adept and marksmanship.
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Legato Bluesummers Humans, they say we are the one who creates the perilous disasters in our world, but also, creates unimaginable miracles, which makes us believe that we don't need God anymore. Awkward? no, What's more Awkward is...God has expected it more than anyone does