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49 Year Old · Female · Invited by: BIGDADDYPLZ SIG... · Joined on June 19, 2006 · Born on December 16th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
49 Year Old · Female · Invited by: BIGDADDYPLZ SIG... · Joined on June 19, 2006 · Born on December 16th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

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i like r and b some rap some old school and nickelback :) i dont like when ppl play with my emotions or try to screw me over but im really people oriented i like to meet new and cool ppl if u are only adding me to see my pics that are private then i will deny ur request if u are going to rip one of my photose please have the decency to ask me first thank u ATTENTION PLEASE:IF U DO NOT HAVE PICTURES U WILL NOT BE ADDED TO MY FRIENDS LIST IF U ONLY HAVE 1 PIC OF URSELF AGAIN U WILL NOT BE ADDED TO MY FRIENDS LIST PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND BEFORE REQUESTING TO BE ON MY LIST THANK YOU :)

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The Archer

November 22 - December 21

These are the general personality traits found in people who are typical of Sagittarius. An unhappy or frustrated Sagittarius may display some of the not-so-attractive traits.

* Frank and open
* Sees the best in people
* Honest and fair-minded
* Enthusiastic
* Inspiring
* Stimulating
* Sensual

* Argumentative
* Impatient to be moving
* Critical to those who deny their talents
* Can be a fanatic
* Hotheaded
* Denies sadness
* Fears any responsibility that curtails freedom
* Blundering and inept
* Indulgent

Behavior Traits:
* is honest
* enjoys freedom of thought and travel
* will laugh about her misfortunes and mistakes, even while she is upset or in pain
* is angry if her integrity is questioned
* is kindhearted, though sometimes tactless
* sticks by her own very clear moral standards
* can be cuttingly sarcastic when hurt
* regards herself and all others as equals

Music: (last updated: 2006-10-15 23:23:09)

To Sagittarius, love is a romantic adventure. Sagittarius in love will have many of the characteristics listed below.

Behavior When In Love:
* is inventive
* needs good intellectual compatibility
* is totally honest with the loved one
* enjoys the physical pleasures of love
* is happy when he or she is loved
* is very generous and good-natured

* not to be tied down
* to feel secure in love
* the loved one to be honest
* to retain freedom of movement
* never to be falsely accused of philandering
* to stimulate, amuse, and be enjoyed by the loved one

The person who contemplates becoming the marriage or business partner of a typical Sagittarius must realize that Sagittarius will value his or her freedom above everything. Given this, the person who partners Sagittarius can expect honesty and plenty of creative ideas.

If a partner is possessive or jealous of Sagittarius, the relationship will begin to crack. Eventually, these pressures will cause Sagittarius to simply pack up and move on.

Sagittarians enjoy meeting people.

General Interests:

Inside anyone who has strong Sagittarian influences is a person who wants to be free. Possessive partners, conservative thinkers, and bureaucrats with whom Sagittarius comes into contact should be aware of this.

No matter who or what the cause, the Sagittarian who is held back in life, in love, or in opportunity for spiritual growth will be unhappy, even though he or she will keep smiling through all adversities.

Like the centaur, one of the Sagittarian symbols, the Sagittarian personality exercises conflict between mind and body. The Sagittarian purpose is to overcome this conflict so that they may guide others.

In general, Sagittarius likes a friend who is open-minded, ready for an adventure, and trusting.

Sagittarians are friendly, gregarious people. They will defend a friend with great loyalty, but they will also say exactly what they think.

Sagittarians have friends from many walks of life. Among those are likely to be both men and women, straight and gay people, a range of ages, and a mixture of ethnic groups; they will all be treated as equals.

Close friendship with just one or two people is not the Sagittarian norm. In fact, anyone who tries to get too familiar with or who takes advantage of the Sagittarian natural friendliness, may be struck by the fiery rocket of Sagittarian temper. They generally fight with words, as sharp as darts, but some may also use their fists.

Sagittarians can be eccentric and may find it difficult to keep a secret.


Frank and friendly, she wants a partner who can love her for her outspoken charm, not wilt under it. Her words and actions will always show what she is thinking and feeling, so a potential partner should be quite clear about their feelings. Sagittarian women are neither coy nor evasive, and will want a partner who does not play silly games. In marriage or in business, a partner must always ask her to do something, never tell her. However, she will respond to hints.

A compatibility chart, below, lists those with whom Sagittarius is likely to have the most satisfactory relationships.

In general, if people are typical of their zodiac sign, relationships between Sagittarius and other signs are as shown below.

Sagittarius and Sex

The Archer is a Fire sign: 'Nuff said, at least where sex is concerned. The initial Sagittarian response where sex is concerned is through physicality, as opposed to emotion or practicality. The Archer is not shy, and like the half beast/half human that he/she represents, is quite the sexual animal. In other words, these folks are always ready! Sagittarians like to enjoy many an erotic experience, in keeping with their outgoing and sociable nature. Their great libido also lends itself best to an artistic and graceful lover, qualities they very much admire. Trying new things is also often on the Archer's mind, and when their lover says sex on the beach, they had best not be referring to a fruity drink. The Sagittarian's thirst for knowledge is often quenched through straight talk in bed, a way to combine two of their favorite pleasures. Sagittarians can also grow to worship a worthy lover, a fitting response to this holiest of acts.

Sagittarius with Sagittarius: Harmonious
Sagittarius with Capricorn: Harmonious
Sagittarius with Aquarius: Harmonious
Sagittarius with Pisces: Difficult
Sagittarius with Aries: Harmonious
Sagittarius with Taurus: Turbulent
Sagittarius with Gemini: Difficult
Sagittarius with Cancer: Turbulent
Sagittarius with Leo: Harmonious
Sagittarius with Virgo: Difficult
Sagittarius with Libra: Harmonious
Sagittarius with Scorpio: Harmonious

49 Year Old · Female · Invited by: BIGDADDYPLZ SIG... · Joined on June 19, 2006 · Born on December 16th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
i enjoy chatting and making new friends :)

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