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Joined on March 29, 2011 · Born on November 30th
Joined on March 29, 2011 · Born on November 30th

my names buster im from indiana but ive been bouncing around for about 12 years
ive been living in oakland california for about the last 6 years off and on
basicly i ride freight trains all over and sometimes hitch ans every once in a while i have a car
ive lived in florida, mississippi, alabama, iowa, and washington, i dont stay too long in one place but i travel enough that im in most places frequently, i tend to stick to what the weather permits
(im usally in the south or west coast for winter) basicly im a hobo, tramp, squatter, gutterpunk,vagabond..whatever you want to call it..... im a musician allthough ive recently stopped traveling with a guitar. im 28 and ive been going to punk shows since i was 14. thats mostly what my travels are based on besides weather, music, and friends

Joined on March 29, 2011 · Born on November 30th
traveling,going to shows,i smoke alot of pot, freight trains ive been hopping trains since i was 19
and ive been to 46 states on them. i recently went to Europe for a bit spain ,holland and italy
im looking to meet people with similar interests or for peopople to hang out and show me around
i love movies...bad movies especially. zombie movies are great....george romero, lucio fulci, dario argento ...i even went to his museum. basicly traveling,drinking,smoking,music. i drink but im not a big wasteoid i mainly smoke but im still a drunk punk at heart. i love music, anything from johnny cash to wu tang...i listen to alot of punk/crust and metal but i like the occasional pop punk session...fyp, quincy punx, choking victim, but for the most part im into stuff like nausea,doom,dystopia, and then i like old blues like leadbelly and bessie smith, hip hop like dead prez, gravediggaz, imortal technique, dr octagon,mf doom....you get the idea. mostly im into trains
im kind of a train nerd.. although not so much lately

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  • RedByrdhungryhungryhobo
    Well, Hello There! Nice to see your face, all up in the place.. You are about to enter the*GREATEST ONLINE PARTY* In the world Take your shoes off and enjoy.And again, WELCOME TO THE PARTY! WISHING A FANTASTIC DAY TO YA!!!Your Friendly Neighborhood RedByrd

    13 years ago · Reply
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