I love to travel. If I weren't in school, I think all I would do is travel.I also like to learn new things. Its fun to meet people who have a skill to share (example: some boys in Samoa showed me how to shell a coconut with just a sharp stick, how cool is that?... I still can't do it, but it was fun [and probably entertaining] to try)
I love letters. Letters rock.I read, write, hike, currently on an ice skating kick (let's go ice skating , practice aerial silk, suffer through homework.Also, I am almost infamous (with myself) for making poor intuitive decisions (if there are two paths I will somehow manage to choose the one that slowly pitters away til we're lost in the bushes) and then being perfectly okay with them. I imagine this trait could be frustrating for people who like things to work out a certain way... usually I let others lead, and when I have plans I simply slip away to carry them out... But if you are a patient person who doesn't mind occasionally, say, slogging over slippery rocks for no apparent reason, showing up for the bus unnecessarily early, accepting a ride to a random place just because, I could be your travel partner! (in my defense, I can be quite useful at navigating airports and road maps, and sometimes my strange ideas lead to amusing stories .)My current interests are circuses (without animals) and sideshows, and everything related to them.
I am creative, easy-going, and adaptable