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100 truths 1. real name ¨ Kristin 2. nickname ¨ Katt 3. single or taken ¨ Single 4. zodiac sign ¨ Cancer 5. male or female ¨ Bitch 6. elementary ¨ Nunya 7. middle ¨ Yah Right 8. high ¨ Do I have fuckin idiot across my head? 9. eye color ¨ Hazel / Orange 10. hair color ¨ Blonde and Brown and Burgundy underneath 11. long or short ¨ MIddle of back 12. current location ¨ West Coast 13. body type ¨ Sporty? I played soccer for 16years 14. are you a virgin ¨ My nostrils are 15. are you health freak ¨ No 16. height ¨ 5'4 17. do you have a crush on someone ¨ Sure the hell do 18. do you like yourself ¨ Yuppers Id do me 19. piercings¨ 9 20. tattoos ¨ 27 21. righty or lefty ¨ Righty FIRSTS : 22. surgery ¨ On my eye I split my iris open 23. piercing ¨ ears 24. tatoo ¨ dolphins 25. sport ¨ Soccer 26. pet ¨ Guinea Pigs 27. vacation ¨ Disneyland 28. concert ¨ haha Jefferson Starship 29. crush ¨ Jeff 30. lay ¨ Tim 31. car ¨ 1990 Chevy Cavalier 32. love ¨ Tim 33. lucky charm ¨ Blanky LASTS: 34. food ate ¨ coffee lol haven't eaten 35. relationship ¨ Steve 36. fight ¨ With my sons father 37. drink ¨ Starbucks 38. time got drunk ¨ LIke 8 years ago 39. car accident ¨ about 8 years ago 40. song listened to ¨ Social Distortion Sick Boyz 41. thing you bought ¨ Coffee 42. lay ¨ Neener 43. person talked to ¨ Chris 44. school attended ¨ Nunya CURRENTLY: 45. thinking of ¨ Sleep & sex 46. feeling ¨ Tired & bored 47. doing ¨ Working and survey 48. talking to ¨ Michael 49. eating ¨ Nadda 50. drinking ¨ Starbucks 51. missing ¨ My son 52. about to ¨ have lunch 53. listening to ¨ Radio 54. have money in pocket ¨ Yes 55. waiting for - Lunch 56. smoking ¨ No 57. wearing ¨ White shirt and Old navy jeans and flip flops YOUR FUTURE: 58. want kids ¨ Im good have enough 59. want to get married ¨ Yes 60. want a big house ¨ NO small one 61. job ¨ DUnno 62. car ¨ 21 windo ragtop bus 63. place to live ¨ Alaska WHICH IS BETTER WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX?: 65. skinny or thick ¨ Either or 66. dark or light hair ¨ either or 67. easy or hard-to-get ¨ Hard to get 68. lips or eyes? ¨ Eyes 69. hugs or kisses? ¨ Both 70. shorter or taller? ¨ Either or 71. loving or lusting ¨ Loving 72. romantic or spontaneous? ¨ Both 73. girly or tomboy ¨ Tomboy :) 74. career or homebody?¨ Either 75. hook-up or relationship?¨ Both 76. body or mind?¨ Mind 77. trouble maker or hesitant? ¨ Trouble Maker HAVE YOU EVER: 78. kissed a stranger ¨ Yes 79. had a car accident ¨ Yes 80. lost glasses/contacts ¨ yes 81. ran away from home ¨ no 82. broken any bones ¨several 83. snuck out of house ¨ no 84. broken someone's heart ¨ yes 85. been arrested ¨ no 86. turned someone down ¨ Yes 87. cried when someone died ¨ yes 88. liked a friend ¨ Yes 89. dated someone older ¨ Yes DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 90. miracles ¨ yes 91. love at first sight ¨ yes 92. magic ¨ A little 93. santa clause ¨ No 94. kissing on the first date ¨ depends 95. sex on the first date ¨ depends ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 96. if you could have one super/mutant power what would it be ¨ travel into the future 97. is there one or more people you want to be with right now ¨ Yes 98. isn't that dude Spencer off 'The Hills' a total hottie ¨ um HELL NO (omg sad I know who they are talking about) 99. had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time ¨ No 100. do you believe in God?¨ yes Now repost so you can see what your friends will say :)
43 Things You Never Think to Ask 1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? Never Imma good girl unfortunately 2. Do you close your eyes on roller coasters? Open eyes and happy 3. When's the last time you've been sledding? LIke 5 years ago I think 4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? I'd take the chance to spoon someone in a damn heartbeat 5. Do you believe in ghosts? 100% 6. Do you consider yourself creative? at times yes 7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife? Without a doubt 8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? Angelina 9. Do you stay friends with your ex's? several of my ex's are friends 10. Do you know how to play poker? yes 11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? alot when I was younger 12. What's your favorite commercial? none 13. What are you allergic to? nadda 14. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around do you run red lights? Imma good girl no 15. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? several 16. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees? yankees 17. Have you ever been Ice Skating? when I was like 10 18. How often do you remember your dreams? once in a blue moon 19. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? alot im a dork 20. Can you name 5 songs by The Beatles? Cant say...I almost cheated and left Twitterpates answers but I didnt 21. What's the one thing on your mind now? can't answer that im sorry 22. Do you believe in love at first sight? YES 23. Do you know who Ghetto-ass barbie is? lol... 24. Do you always wear your seat belt? always had 2 tickets for it 25 what cell service do you use? sprint 26. Do you like Sushi? no 27. Have you ever narrowly avoided a fatal accident? ohyah and saw several used to do tow trucking 28. What do you wear to bed? wife beater and boxers 29. Been caught stealing? nopers 30. what shoe size do you have? 10 31. Do you truly hate anyone? good question 32. Classic Rock or Rap? rock 33. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be? nadda 34. Ever had a STD scare or treated for it? no 35. Have you ever sang in front of the mirror? haha yah 36. What food do you find disgusting? onions and mushrooms 37. Do you sing in the shower? to my son yes 38. Did you ever play, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours"? probably yes 39. Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back? who hasnt? 40. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew? anyone I know no matter how well I will stand up for them until they do me wrong 41. Have you ever been punched in the face? yes 42. Have you ever filed bancruptcy? no Apparently #43 got held up at happy hour tonight!

10 things about me......

GET TO KNOW ME!! OK HERE'S HOW THIS WORK I WILL TELL YOU TEN THING'S ABOUT ME THEN I WILL PICK TEN PEOPLE TO DO THE SAME THING THIS IS A GOOD WAY FOR US ALL TO GET TO KNOW THE PEOPLE WE CHAT WITH AND CALL OUR FRIENDS I THINK IF YOUR MY FRIEND YOU'D LIKE TO KNOW ALL YOU CAN AS I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW ABOUT YOU SO IF I PICK YOU YA GOTTA PLAY DAMMIT LOL 1) Ive worked since I was 13 2) I was adopted at birth my birth mother was only 12 3) Im a beauty school drop-out they told me I couldnt bleach hair and I walked out.... 4) I have 27 tattoos and 9 piercings (I love the adrenaline of it all and have been known to sleep through getting inked) 5) I now work doing payroll for people I hire to take care of Developmentally Disabled clients and I love every aspect of my career 6) I haven't drank or smoked pot in almost 10 years (didn't have a problem with either just not my thing) 7) I do smoke cigs (menthols) and have for almost 20 years 8) Everyday for the last almost 8 years I have drank at least ONE Iced quad venti well stirred upside down caramel macchiato...I have coffee issues.... 9) I would be a surrogate mother in a heartbeat....I don't care for anymore but love the feeling... 10) I have a case of the I don't give a shits and if you don't like me or care for me at least have the balls or tits to tell me then fuck off !!! If you read this then you have to do it too!

6 Things

Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. Going with the hamburger theory...When I order fast food I have to add and minus things so it is made fresh. I can't stand heat lamped food or having cold fast food. 2. I have to take a shower prior to having sex. I already take 2-3 showers a day so I guess I have personal hygiene issues. 3. Im 32 and I don't drink or do any drugs and can't stand to be around either of them. I can't handle bars or clubs...Drunk and intoxicated people bug the hell out of me. 4. I love sex and foreplay but having a man go down on me does nothing for me...I would much prefer giving oral and getting self gratification from the reactions of him than it being done to me. 5. I love anal sex. 6. I have never been out on a real date. I have never been picked up and given flowers and taken out to dinner or a movie or whatever. Either I drive or I pay...always.... Sorry mine are a lil boring but thats all I got....
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