Work for perect skin
make your eyes look big
you ankles have to be thin
your lashes long and thick
Do not forget make-up
-certainly not too much
wear a bra (push-up)
why not plastic surgery?
your hips must be curved
but your stomach flat
your long hair must be curled
OMG, there is fat!
Wear heels for long legs
oh, your feet hurt?
let me tell you:
beauty knows no pain!
No woman in front of a mirror
will not find at least one mistake.
no woman in front of a mirror
can say: I'm beautiful, for God's sake
Ladies, what do we do all that stuff for?
-Men, certainly
I ask you,are thay worth it?
Most of the time :NO.
So girls, let me tell you this:
Don't live for somebody else.
you can only be loved
when you love yourself!
Don't look perfect for a guy
but for yourself.
because who does not value your inside
is not worth your looks.