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40 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 4, 2011 · Born on September 8th
40 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 4, 2011 · Born on September 8th

I'm 26, doing very little at the moment, most because of the recession. I'm, Irish, 5"8, with red hair (this week)

I love Harry Potter and not I'm ashamed to say it. I'm also football mad and support Liverpool FC.
Absolutely addicted to playstation, have a PS2, PSP and a PS3 as well a Gamecube and DS. I'm totally addicted to Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. Love Horror movies and action. And anything with Sam Worthington it in. Am loving Smallville and Game of Thrones on TV and have started to read the Sword of truth books. Bones has just finished and I can't wait for the next series, but the books are just as good and will keep me going.

I'm recovering from depression, it's not easy, it's not fun but I'm getting there and I know what sets me off now. Been to doctors who don't know their ass from their elbow and gotten advice that so does not help anyone.

Life ain't easy and we make stupid mistakes, all I've learnt is that we have to pick ourselves up and grow after doing something stupid. I'm not proud of all I've done, but I know i have learnt from it. i'm not perfect, and so what. If I was i wouldn't be who I am right now, don't like it, so what.

so that's me, like it cool, don't well tough. At my age I'm not about to change

40 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 4, 2011 · Born on September 8th
I love computer games. I own a PS3, PS2, Gamecube, PSP and a DS all of which I play regularly. Only one I don't like is the xbox. I love Final Fantasy especially VII and VIII, Crisis core is a big fave too. Kingdom hearts is my main love at the moment, playing birth by sleep on the psp in my spare time. Resident Evil is another fave.
As for books Patricia Cornwell, Alex Riechs or alex Kava r my faves, love James Patterson too
Movies well Horror or fantasy works best. I am addicted to Final Fantasy Advent children compelete at the mo. and Chopper. also Vampire movies, just don't try get me to watch Twilight, Vampires don't Sparkle and are not all sweet and loving, I may have liked Buffy but Angel was better all bad ass then being nice

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