Joined on March 1, 2011
Born on November 30th
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Joined on March 1, 2011
Born on November 30th
·1 referrals joined!
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A Princes Lucky... Ppl deal w/ emotions different-Some hide em thinking they wont get hurt if they do not Believing everything "hidden" can come 2 light & will only hurt themself in the end-Some R overemotional & let anything get 2 them pushing ppl away unintentionally-Some
Live 4 Urself not the way others suggest U should-If U live 4 others & let them make UR decisions U may end up lost in the way of the world-Its easier 2 have others make decisions 4 U but does it make U happy & can U handle the consequences from decisions made by others-U may end up on a diff path than intended by following the lead of some1 else-"Find strength in a weak moment-Find weakness only 2 gain strength"-AMP