52 Year Old
From Council Bluffs, IA·
Joined on February 28, 2011
Relationship status: Open Relationship
Born on August 21st
hello fubar. I am 38 married to a great woman we have an open relationship. we lead more a swinger lifestyle i am straight she is bi so yes I have a great life in that reguard lol. I wrok for a major railroad so I spend more than my fair share of my time at work so the work hard play harder motto is true in my life. I am open to making new friends, friends are the spice of life new friends bring new expirences. I am open to new ideas since diferent people have different likes n dislikes meeting new people brings new possibilities and new life expieriences.
52 Year Old
From Council Bluffs, IA·
Joined on February 28, 2011
Relationship status: Open Relationship
Born on August 21st
fishing, hunting, boating, motorcycle rides, basicly i love being outside.
Latest Status
Iowaguy As I ponder life I have come to the conclusion we cant get out alive so have fun while you can
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