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51 Year Old · Male · From Shelton, WA · Joined on February 23, 2011 · Born on December 18th
51 Year Old · Male · From Shelton, WA · Joined on February 23, 2011 · Born on December 18th

Is this thing on!!!!!!!
Ok, here goes a little about myself ... I am a little shy when I first meet people. I am happy, friendly, outgoing. I love hanging out with friends and family. I'm considered a very generous person in all aspects of my life especially in family.

I bet you wonder what I'm looking for. The most important thing to me is some that can be them self around me, Some who is just as big of smart ass as me. If I cant joke around with you then I get bored and yes I joke around all the time. Life is to short to be serious about ever thing all the time.

Also if you want to learn how to 2 step I'm your man

FYI if your ever at the BIG WHISKEY in Olympia,WA stop by and say hello

Just to give you little of my personality.
If your familiar With The Office you could roll me in into two ofthe characters that fit my personality.

1. Toby
2. Jim

Toby Is shy when meeting new people for the first time, but is kind hart-ed and assertive.
Jim Love to play piratical Jokes on people that just deserves them. He also treat the people in his life with love and respect.

51 Year Old · Male · From Shelton, WA · Joined on February 23, 2011 · Born on December 18th

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