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42 Year Old · Male · Invited by: 449861 · Joined on February 11, 2011 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 29th · I have a crush on someone!
42 Year Old · Male · Invited by: 449861 · Joined on February 11, 2011 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 29th · I have a crush on someone!

I am a paralegal Student working temp as a Forklift operator and general warehouse laborer. I am starting a web page to out source my talents for a small business or cash on the side. I can fix just about anything having work experience in facility maintenance. I am especially good with computers learning to script with CSS and SQL. I can easily upgrade my own computer. I also study the bible quite frequently and blog. I also enjoy chatting on messenger, pirating, playing pool, studying philosophy, debating, swimming and Anime. My goals are to finish school and hopefully start up a small nobility of disenfranchised student activists working toward liberal elitism. As a Progressive I believe in Solomon's principal of charging a bank without interest. It has propelled me into views of Von Misses Jewish bankers. I like proletariat elitists of oligarchy similar to what we know see with the Clinton's and Nancy Pelosi and other liberal elitists drawing off some similar ideals as Chomsky. I however can draw bi-partisan. I believe that the Federal Reserve bank is key to the US debt and note that democrats overall draw a five percent increase in currency value verses a defict of fiscal republicans. In fact democrat president Andrew Jackson is the only president to pay off the national debt, getting rid of the central bank and going back to sold gold collateral instead of fractional reserve lending.

I find most inspiring logic and philosophy, since it can act as a bull sh*t detector. I have a few blogs on My Space and Mocospace that need to be edited when I have time.

My myspace is http://www.myspace.com/kingofair

My Mocospace Jack421

I love metal music and work out at planet fitness. I plan to volunteer as a mediator at the court house or do ride along with L.A. PD. I plan to work as a lawyer or cop but can work as a paralegal.

Most of what I enjoy has been undermined by finances but I love extreme adrenaline activities like rock climbing, bungee jumping, parachuting, dancing, Jack Ass Stunts like riding on a dog house tied to a truck through the desert and quad racing. I enjoy smoking medical marijauan, botanic gardens, hiking, Boogie boarding, swimming, free shakespear, Six Flags, Knotts and free museums in L.A. I enjoy working on cars in full service stations like Pick-A-Part and recycling.I think civil disobedience is questionable to Machiveli. I however am finding renewed faith in Jean Jack Rousseau and the Noble Savage. Well that's me anything else you want to know just ask. Peace

42 Year Old · Male · Invited by: 449861 · Joined on February 11, 2011 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 29th · I have a crush on someone!
Gym, Blogging, Law, Law Enforcement, Municipal Court, Philosophy, Catholicism, Bible, Debate, Economics, Fallacious Statements, Logic, Math, Sudoku, LSAT, Art, Gambling, Racing, Selfies, Memes, Interesting Politics, Wanted Posters, Boogie Boarding, Swimming, Burgers, Marijuana, Beer, Learning to socialize more.

Date related; Museums, Malls, Dance Clubs, Moshing, Shakespeare, Independent Film, Amusement Parks, Beach, Roller Skating, Garden, Fair and Arcades

Work Related; Law, Torts, Mechanic Work, Construction, Maintenance and Janitorial, Packing Logistics, Moving Labor

Music; Alternative, Metal, Punk, Rap, Old School, Hip Hop, House, Disco, Soft Rock, Oldies, Mostly Eclectic

Bands; Incubus, Breaking Benjamin, Alice In Chains, Journey, Skillet, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Offspring, Nirvana, Blink 182, Metalica, Him, Korn, Cold Play, Simple Plan, 3 Doors Down, Lit, Three Days Grace, Stone Temple Pilots,
Guns N Roses

Rapers; Will Smith, 2 Pac, Bone Thugs N Harmony, Coolio, Biggie Smalls, Atmosphere, Eyedea, Athiest Flow, Abilities, Ahmad

Artists; Bannana Rammama, Newcleus, Pm Dawn, Tom Tom, TLC, Immature,
Soul For Real, Boys II Men,

Singers; Connie, Debbie Deb, Kenny Logins, Janet Jackson, Johnny Cash, Adele,
Taylor Swift, Kate Perry, Rhianna, Alicia Keys, Ariana Grande, Mariah Carey,
Aliyaha, Paul Abdual, Pattie LaBelle,
Movies; Action , Horror, Pop, comedy, classic, 80's and 90's era Reflections,
Romance, Drama

Action; Top Gun, Mo' Money, Handi Man, Lethal Weapon, Starwars, Pirates Of The Caribean, True Lies, Terminator, Total Recall, Free Jack, Idiocracy, Bullet Head
Fight Club, Romeo Must Die, Good Fellas, Casino, Matrix

Horror; Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday The 13th, Halloween, Idle Hands, Hocus Pocus, Casper, Psycho, Poltergiest, The Stand House on Hill Street, The Shinning, Silence Of The Lambs, Red Dragon, Hannibal, The Others, 28 Days Later, Jacob's Ladder

Comedy; Idle Hands, Wierd Science, Hocus Pocus, Uncle Buck, Idiocracy, Handi man, Me myself & Irene, Stars & Stripes, Ghost Busters, Ground Hog Day, Cone Heads, Beverly Hills Ninja, What About Bob, Blue Streak

Classic; Pride & Prejudic, Schilndlers list, Patton, Pearl Harbor, Happily Ever After, Hamlet, Romeo,& Juliet, Godfather,

Romance; Idle Hands, Casper, Pride & Prejudice, Boomerang, Sommersby, Princess Bride, Sliver

Drama; Iron Mask, Beautiful Mind, Godfather, Forest Gump, Vanillia Sky, Requiem For A Dream, Sommersby, Tombstone, Y Th Mama Tambien,

Disney; Oliver & Company, Aladin, Robin Hood, Pirates Of The Caribean, Heathcliff, All Dogs go to Heaven, Titan A.E., 1980 Transformers,
Little Mermaid,
Military, Special Forces, FBI, ICE, Cops, Seals, Marines, Jay Dobbyns, Spies, Diplomats, Peace Corps, My Teachers, Step Father Sam, Moses, David, Jacob, Joshua, Samson, Superman, M.A.L.D.E.F., California State Bar Association, N.C.L.R., L.A.C.A.N,
Video Games
Mobile Apps; Clash of Kings, Game Of War, Kingdom Rush, Throne Rush,
Castle Clash

Nintendo; Crystalis, Final Fantasy, Jackal, Contra, Metal Gear Solid,

Sega; Desert Strike, Jungel Strike, Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat 2, Mortal,Kombat 3, Shinning Force 2, Shinning Force, Shinning Darkness

Super Nintendo; Super Mario World, Super Mario RPG,Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII,
Final Fantasy IV

Arcade; Marvel Vs Capcom, Capcom Vs Street Fighter,

Dos; The 7th Guest

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  • Jack421 My shadow heart the only thing that walks beside me. My shadow heart is the only thing that's beating its almost like I walk alone. Psalm 27:10 Psalm 28:5.
    13 years ago · Comment

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