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32 Year Old · Female · From Chesapeake, VA · Joined on February 6, 2011 · Born on September 11th · I have a crush on someone!
32 Year Old · Female · From Chesapeake, VA · Joined on February 6, 2011 · Born on September 11th · I have a crush on someone!

So I figured its about time tht I filled this out... lol Hey yall I'm Katie and I'm 18. Probably one of the most notable tings about me is that I'm bi. I get extreme mixed emotions from people when they find out an I absolutely love watching their reactions Smile2.gif lol I get asked about it a lot because apparently its not often that people meet a bi girl... which is funny cuz I know lots of them haha Smile2.gif Anyways, I'm a pretty chill girl and I'm always open to meeting new people. However, if you can't hold a decent conversation, don't bother messaging me. I'm extremely excepting and not judgemental of anyone. With that said, my first impression of you is likely to stick forever so make it a good one Smile2.gif

32 Year Old · Female · From Chesapeake, VA · Joined on February 6, 2011 · Born on September 11th · I have a crush on someone!
I love trying new things so my list of interests is super long... I love doing all of the following:
1. Cheering
2. Gymnastics
3. Autocrossing
4. Sailing
5. Snowboardig
6. Biking
7. Swimming
8. Soccer
9. Working on computers and electronics
10. Drawing, painting, and other art forms
11. I LOVE music, but listening to it and making it. I play a ton of instruments lol
12. Photography
13. Spending time with friends and just chillin
I love all music. Music is an art and deserves to be recognized in all forms Smile2.gif the one thing I don't like is music that has no meaning. If the whole point of the song is to see how many times you can fit "fuck" into a song then its not really music its just you being an idiot. lol did i mention I'm extremely opinionated?
I love movies but don't have time for them much anymore Frown.gif I guess I need to go on more dates lol Smile2.gif I've seen a lot of old movies and absolutely love them. My favorite movie of all time is Pride and Prejudice. I like movies with meaning just like music, but can still appreciate stupid movies Smile2.gif
I don't really like having idols in life. It just opens you up to be let down by people. If you hold them in too high esteem,they won't be able to live up to it and you WILL be let down. With that said I have one person who has never let me down and I know he never will. My best friend/big brother is one of the most amazing people I've ever met and I guess he could qualify as my one idol Smile2.gif
Video Games
I don't play as much as I used to because I don't have much time anymore and I can't afford to keep up my xbox live anymore. When I get the chance to play tho, I'll play pretty much anything and I'll get hooked till I can beat it lol

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