38 Year Old
From Akron, OH·
Joined on January 9, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 5th
I'm going to school to be a pilot at Kent State. Don't really party anymore due to throwing up blood after a loonnnngggg night. Long, but fun. lol. I like older, and younger women. Any race too really. Taller or shorter. Speaking of which i'm 5'7. Brown hair, green eyes. Not gonna lie, not exactly sure what to put here so im just rambling really. If you want to know anything just send me a message.
Part of my personality, will post more later. To late at night.. lol http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/​pmwiki.php/Main/​JerkWithAHeartOfGold
38 Year Old
From Akron, OH·
Joined on January 9, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 5th
Latest Status
Magilli Passed the first exam. Woot for me! Now to pass the important ones.