63 Year Old
From Ocala, FL·
Joined on November 19, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 3rd
I have a crush on someone!
my name is timothy wayne pellerin,i am a registered native american indian at the six nations reserve in niagra falls, i go by wayne, i was born in toronto(queen and pape) downtown was my stompin ground, i move to florida in 92, still here but leaving soon and not quite sure where to move to, possibly the philappine islands
63 Year Old
From Ocala, FL·
Joined on November 19, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 3rd
I have a crush on someone!
Latest Status
timpellerin61 okay for everyone whos interested, i bought this little red bike for little 5 year old filapino girl for christmas, it cost me $45. the smile on her little face was priceless, we take so much for granted here in the usa and canada and i say with truth beca
timpellerin61 hi tina i havent be on here for a while my sign business has gone nuts, kisses to the most beautiful girl on fbar