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50 Year Old · Male · Joined on November 2, 2010 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on April 25th · I have a crush on someone!

Just a note before I begin... There are so many great people on here. It's pretty amazing. They are kind and generous and willing to help just about anyone out. You guys are awesome!

About me... My name is Brian, my friends call me OC, you can call me either one. I find myself funny and am my own biggest fan. I laugh at my own jokes so you don't have to. That would be the plus side to dating me I think.

Other than that I am considered pretty nice. Nice... That word can be the kiss of death for a guy. I am pretty upbeat for the most part. I try not to let anything drag me down. If you live in a world of drama or you are just an asshole I am probably not the person for you to talk to LOL. I am very blunt and don't mince words. I say what I think always and don't really care if anyone doesn't like it.

On a side note, I am a people watcher when I am out. No clue why, I just am.

I love baseball and the Mets are my team. Yes I know, they are up and down and it does hurt to be a Mets fan.

Football it's all about the Ny Giants and Notre Dame. I live and breathe football season.

I am a huge Ny Rangers fan. I played hockey growing up and went to the Garden all the time as a kid to watch them play.

I grew up in New York and I love the state. It is an amazing and beautiful place.

I live in NC now. right by the beach and I love this place too. I also have a place on the Bay in MD and like to take the boat out as often as I can during the summer months. I love to fish and drink beer and listen to music.

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50 Year Old · Male · Joined on November 2, 2010 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on April 25th · I have a crush on someone!
My beautiful girls, music, sports and work..... That is all I truly have time for these day.

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