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55 Year Old · Female · Joined on January 6, 2007 · Born on March 20th
55 Year Old · Female · Joined on January 6, 2007 · Born on March 20th

HOW IMPORTANT IS A Kss??????(and yes reason for no i in kiss look @ my name)A kss can take you on a journeyInto the recesses of your sensesAnd into the secrets of your soulAs it awakens your excitementAnd stimulates your desiresA kss will tell you immediatelyIf you'll bond with someone or notYou'll know if they share your passionOr if they miss the mark entirelyIt can lay bare your sensual natureWhen your lips first touch another'sYou'll know if they're gentle or they're roughYou'll feel their heat or their coldnessAnd feel another's lips stimulate youYou'll know if they'll satisfy your needsAnd when their tongue starts to exploreAnd begin a dance within your mouthYou'll know if you match in your rhythmOr If your tempo's are way off keyAnd if you'll make beautiful music togetherWhen your ksses match in passionAnd you're feeling each other's heatYou will float in time and spaceAnd make time literally stand stillYou'll be transported to another place The importance of a kssAnd the oral expression of your loveAllows you to meet in a momentTo stimulate your senses and drownAnd be introduced to another person's soulHow important is a Kss?Courtesy of MsTags.comYOU DECIDE!!!!!!!!!Well that is about it.....Nice to meet yall...hugs Kss

55 Year Old · Female · Joined on January 6, 2007 · Born on March 20th
Courtesy of MsTags.com Guess if ya wanna know you will hit muh box!!!!
3 Doors Down Here Without You Tribute To Eddie Guerrero
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