I was so amazed after reading your mail, guess why?? cos i never thought any man would be interested in a lady who is just trying to find love on the internet, i have tried so many ways to get men to notice me, i know it sounds crazy but i guess I'm not just lucky with men, and when i get to meet a man i fall in the hands of terrible ones who were not ready to settle down for any relationship...and that just hurts me so bad,I have been hurt several times in the past and i seek to God for peace..i want to settle down and i hope someday i will find the man to love me as much i would love him...I don't want to go through heart breaks anymore, it took me so long to get over my last heart break and i know how it feels to be hurt,you would understand me much more better if you were a lady,There are so much to say lol but but i will keep rest for next time since its our first communication, I'm Originally from