48 Year Old
From Torrington, WY·
Joined on January 5, 2007
Born on June 26th
·9 referrals joined!
2 different people have a crush on me!
48 Year Old
From Torrington, WY·
Joined on January 5, 2007
Born on June 26th
·9 referrals joined!
2 different people have a crush on me!
48 Year Old
From Torrington, WY·
Joined on January 5, 2007
Born on June 26th
·9 referrals joined!
2 different people have a crush on me!
Miss you always. Thinking of you always.Never a moment I don't......I miss our video chats and I miss just hearing your voice.I miss you....So very much so ♥
I hope you had a nice Christmas Sweetheart.On to other news :P Happy New Years to you Beautiful!!! I hope the very best awaits you in 2009!Be thinking of you on New Years :D I wish you the very best for every day of every year to come. May it be a great year for you.^_^