40 Year Old
Invited by: crazyday·
Joined on October 12, 2010
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on September 1st
·1 referrals joined!
40 Year Old
Invited by: crazyday·
Joined on October 12, 2010
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on September 1st
·1 referrals joined!
'i dOn’t want tO be anything Other than what i’ve been trying to be LateLy.. aLL i have tO dO is think of me and i've peace of mind.. i’m tired Of LOoking ‘rOund rOoms.. wOndering what i gOtta dO, Or whO i’m suppOsed tO be.. i dOn’t want tO be anything Other than me..'
♥ makuLet.. ♥ mabaet.. ♥ gOOd Listener.. ♥ gOod adviser.. ♥ LOve reading bOOks.. they're my escape frOm reaLity.. ♥ LOve watching rOmantic/cOmedy mOvies.. they made me feeL that LOve reaLLy dOes exist.. ♥ can't Live withOut my phOne and LaptOp.. ♥ certified music LOver.. ♥ easiLy get attached tO peOpLe whO shOwed me even the sLightest Of affectiOns.. ♥ vaLue the Ones whO cOnstantLy reminding me hOw i've tOuched their Lives.. ♥ Loves heLping Other peOpLe out.. it makes me feeL fuLfiLLed.. ♥ sees tO it that in every decision i make wiLL nOt Only benefit me but aLsO the peOpLe arOund me.. ♥ sOO sensitive in Other's feeLings tO the pOint that i fOrget my Own.. ♥ LOves tO dream but dOn't dweLL tOo much in it.. ♥ enjOy Life tO the fuLLest.. ♥ aLways try tO LOok back with nO regrets.. ♥ hate tO see Other peOpLe suffer especiaLLy thOse that i LOve.. ♥ my dreams were Often crashed by reaLity.. ♥ aLways get my hOpes up but i aLsO watch them faLL everytime.. ♥ can't entertain sOmeOne whO i reaLLy dOn't Like 'cOz i knOw it wiLL just make things wOrst.. keeping them hanging is Like preventing them tO find the One whO can reaLLy LOve them.. ♥ my greatest fear is tO LOse my memory.. i treasure it sOo much.. ♥ i aLways end up Loving sOmeOne i'm nOt suppOsed tO have.. and because Of that i'm uncOnciousLy pushing him away frOm me.. ♥ i Love simpLe things Like.. ** Listening and Laughing arOund Over my dad's jOkes.. ** watching tv & movies.. ** gOing tO the maLL with my famiLy.. ** spending a day with my friends, taking pictures, sLeepOvers, hanging Out, watching cOncerts and my friends' gigs.. ** spending a nice vacatiOn with my cOusins, videOke, chatting.. ♥ i Love my famiLy, reLatives, friends and God sO much.. they're my inspiratiOns and strengths.. ♥ LOves surprises.. ♥ hate gOodbyes..
40 Year Old
Invited by: crazyday·
Joined on October 12, 2010
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on September 1st
·1 referrals joined!