35 Year Old
From El Paso, TX·
Joined on October 11, 2010
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on January 2nd
I have a crush on someone!
35 Year Old
From El Paso, TX·
Joined on October 11, 2010
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on January 2nd
I have a crush on someone!
35 Year Old
From El Paso, TX·
Joined on October 11, 2010
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on January 2nd
I have a crush on someone!
Latest Status
Oxo Pixie Stixx... Girls on this website can be such sluts!!! OMG have some class >_
Oh and btw, Me and Heather are doing Great its just a website dude calm down,lol. she fumarried her friend just for pts to lvl up. Weere Very happy. so chill out. I know your worried but Heather will no hurt me, i promise She has a very good heart and makes me very happy
Thats cool dude, congrats. have fun out there and hope you dont end up waking up in a hostile where they torture people . Tell Nick I want my box of tools back I need em for a project im working on, on my car. Hes had em for like 6 months.
Hi welcome to Fubar We hope you enjoy fubar as much as we do! Meet awesome people, enjoy the gifts,blings,drinks and the lounges.Come hang out with us in Season of Abyss Just copy and paste the link below and paste it in your brouser, come check us out , listen to live dj's and meet new people .Hope to see you there http://www.fubar.com/lounge/72853 <<----(copy this link into your brouser and join the party)