40 Year Old
Joined on October 9, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on October 31st
·5 referrals joined!
40 Year Old
Joined on October 9, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on October 31st
·5 referrals joined!
Latest Status
confortkate All day I am thinking about you
Thinking if you are thinking of me too
All day I am dreaming about you
Dreaming that we are together
and never apart...
Rain DropsI stood out under the darkening sky.My palm stretched.A drop of rain fell on it.It glistened like a tear...and reminded me of all those tearsyou promised me I would never shed.And I looked at the drop of rain,and then could see it no moreas my eyes vied with the rain.andthe rainceded victory to me.
They say our romance,Like all mortal passionIs destined to spiral,From the heights of ecstasy,To the pit of monotony.What say yea then, my love?If this be true, let us endeavorTo fall from the heavens,Like two shooting starsSetting the night on fire!i need a men that will love me for who i am that in any problem he will be there for me...........................................can you be the man of my dream???????????????